Many drugs dangerous for the elderly

Many drugs dangerous for the elderly / Health News

Many medicines are dangerous for seniors.

(10.08.2010) The medical research group Priscus has published a new list of medications that are unsuitable for seniors. The use of the 83 affected drugs in seniors would therefore bring too high risks. Nevertheless, 40 percent of nursing home residents in Germany receive different medicines every day that are on the Priscus list.

Priscus is one of six collaborative projects in the program „Health in old age“ the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in particular the senior-specific aspects in medicine. In the association, Prof. Dr. med. Petra Thürmann from the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the University of Witten / Herdecke, Germany, is improving the medical care of older people. For example, with her team of around 20 experts from a wide range of disciplines, she has carefully examined drugs on the German market and has now published a list that has been explicitly developed for Germany and lists all risky drugs for senior citizens with the corresponding hazard potential. In addition, alternatives to the critical drugs are shown.

There is a need for action because, as the research on the preparation of the "Priscus List" made clear, seniors take on average six different active substances daily. This is critical anyway, as taking such a drug cocktail increases the risk of harmful changes and side effects extremely. In addition, the study shows that 15 to 20 percent of over 75-year-olds who still live at home, take funds that are on the Priscus list. Whose taking for senior citizens is particularly dangerous because it z. As increase the risk of kidney damage, gastric bleeding and falls, so Thürmann. According to the expert, about 40 percent of the nursing home residents receive medicines that are inappropriate according to the Priscus list. "This is related to the fact that a number of these drugs are used in dementia and depression and the proportion of those affected in old-age homes is greater," said Prof. Dr. med. Thürmann continues.

The use of antidepressants, painkillers and tranquilizers etc. listed on the "Priscus List" is currently still so widespread that the expert warns against panic if a relative has prescribed one of the remedies. Rather, the alternatives also listed by Priscus and, if necessary, the control options for the health of the person concerned should be used. "The list is used by the doctor to ask the individual patient whether it is essential to prescribe a drug and whether there may be alternatives," says Ms. Thürmann

For three years, the list should now be reviewed and supplemented if necessary. That's the way to watch, „whether fewer complications actually occur if drugs on the Priscus list are no longer or only prescribed under certain conditions, "explained Prof. Dr. Thürmann (fp)

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