Many measles cases in eastern Germany
Measles cases in Thuringia and Saxony
After only a few days ago the biggest measles outbreak in Berlin was reported for years, now the ministries of health in Saxony and Thuringia have announced how many people in these states have been suffering from measles.
Children were not vaccinated
According to the Erfurt Ministry of Health, four people have contracted measles in Thuringia so far this year, reports the news agency dpa. „MDR Thuringia“ informed that the sick children all live in Weimar and according to the Ministry of Social Affairs were not vaccinated against the disease. Health Minister Heike Werner (left) advised parents in this context, „for a complete and age-appropriate immunization of their children“ to pay attention.
Only state without measles case
As has been reported, the vaccination rate in Thuringia is slightly above the national average. Almost 95 percent of current school beginners have therefore received the two vaccine doses recommended by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) nationwide. According to RKI, the infectious disease control agency, the state was the only one without a single measles case last year. In 2013 there had been the last major outbreak of this disease in Thuringia. 51 people were affected at that time.
Last major measles outbreak in 2013
In Saxony, so far this year, three people have contracted measles, as the State Ministry of Health announced. In the entire previous year, it had been reported to have six patients. In 2013, 56 people were affected by the last major measles outbreak in Saxony. As the spokeswoman of the RKI, Susanne Glasmacher, according to dpa said, such fluctuations are not surprising. „At the nationwide low vaccination rates, especially among adolescents and young adults, it pops again and again somewhere.“
Saxony has the lowest vaccination rate
Saxony has the lowest enrollment rate among all new students in Germany. There are less than 90 percent of first graders twice vaccinated against measles. The Free State maintains its own Vaccination Commission (SIKO), which recommends the necessary refreshing of the first vaccination until the age of six. SIKO chairman Dietmar Beier had recently argued that this would make for a better long-term effect. According to the RKI, however, all other countries are guided by the recommendation to vaccinate for the second time in their second year of life.
Do not take illness lightly
Especially in Berlin, the measles are currently spreading. Neither in children, nor in adults, the disease should be taken light health, according to health experts. In addition to the typical red patches, sufferers usually get a fever and have a conjunctivitis, runny nose and cough. The weakened immune system can also cause complications such as otitis media or diarrhea. In some cases, life-threatening or even fatal complications such as lung or brain inflammation may occur. Although vaccine users often point out possible side effects of immunization such as redness, swelling, fever, or mild itchy skin rash, these are not compared to the effects of measles disease, my advocates. (Ad)
Image: seedo