Much more absenteeism due to mental illness

Much more absenteeism due to mental illness / Health News
More sick leave due to depression and anxiety disorders
The current health report of DAK Gesundheit shows that the absenteeism of employees as a result of mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety disorder in 2014 increased significantly compared to the previous year. The absentee days of the insured of the DAK due to mental illness would have increased by 11.5 percent, according to the DAK. Altogether, however, the number of sick leave declined slightly compared to the previous year, which is primarily attributable to a significant decline in days lost due to respiratory diseases (22.5 percent less than in the previous year), reports DAK.

The DAK Health Report shows that there was a sick leave for slightly less than every second employee in 2014. Nearly a quarter of lost days (22.7 percent) were caused by musculoskeletal disorders, 17 percent were at the expense of mental illness and 14 percent accounted for diseases of the respiratory system such as colds, according to the DAK. Healthcare, public administration, transport, warehousing and courier services all reported the highest levels of sick leave, each at 4.5 percent.

Brain doping in the job
A special focus of this year's health report was "Doping in the Job", where he reports that "just under three million Germans used prescription drugs to be more efficient at work or to relieve stress." The number of Workers who have already used such substances for doping have increased in the past six years from 4.7 to 6.7 percent, reports the DAK. According to the representative study, the representative study examined "whether and how workers with no medical need should resort to prescription drugs." For this, the drug data were analyzed by 2.6 million employed persons and in addition more than 5,000 employed persons between the ages of 20 and 50 Been interviewed for years. (Fp)

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Picture credits: sokaeiko