Impurities at test recall for three birth control pills

Impurities at test recall for three birth control pills / Health News
Impurities detected: Recall for three birth control pills started
Currently, certain batches of three birth control pills are recalled. In the drugs impurities have been detected in controls. Partly the specified durability is not guaranteed. However, this does not affect the effect of the medication.

Recall due to slight contamination
The pharmaceutical companies Puren Pharma, Teva and Ratiopharm are currently recalling special batches of contraceptive pills containing the drug Desogestrel, reports the portal "". The companies therefore reported that "as part of the ongoing stability study" for the preparations Tevanette (Teva) and Yvette (Ratiopharm) a slight deviation from the specification was found in the chemical purity.

At present, certain batches of birth control pills are being recalled in Germany. Contaminants have been detected in the drugs. (Image: rosifan19 /

No impairment of the effect
The report also states that the product "Diamilla (Puren Pharma)" "results outside the specification of a degradation product were found," so that the specified shelf life of 36 months can not be guaranteed for all batches. "According to current estimates of The manufacturer is not affected by the small deviation from the specification, the contraceptive effect.

If necessary, contact the doctor or pharmacist
"We recommend not taking affected drugs for precautionary reasons", writes the portal. Women should, however, never stop or stop their treatment on their own. In case of doubt, take the pack with you and ask at the pharmacy if the batch is affected or if its effectiveness may be impaired. "

According to various media, a spokesman for the pharmaceutical company Teva, which also includes Ratiopharm, has since made a statement about the recall and stated that the safety and effectiveness are not impaired. Women who are already taking the drug could continue to do so or consult a doctor or pharmacist.

Health risks from anti-baby pills
Although the contraceptive pills, together with the condom, are among the most popular contraceptives for Germans, not all women can or want to resort to the medications that are associated with unpleasant side effects. For some women, anti-baby pills can also be dangerous. According to experts, this threatens a high thrombosis risk from modern anti-baby pills. In addition to the medicines, hormone-free alternatives to contraception are available, which cause no or less burdens on the health. (Ad)