Doubling of TBE infections

Doubling of TBE infections / Health News

Drastic increase in TBE infections in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg


The number of TBE infections by ticks rose significantly in Bavaria last year, according to the current press release of Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). Compared with 2012, the number of FSME cases in Bavaria almost doubled in 2013. Also in the neighboring state of Baden-Wuerttemberg a doubling of the number of cases was to be observed according to TK statements. The two federal states are considered the main risk areas for tick-borne meningitis FSME (tick-borne encephalitis).

According to the TK, the current figures from the Robert Koch Institute show an increase from 90 TBE infections in 2012 to 176 infections in 2013 in Bavaria. Bavaria continues to be the federal state with the highest number of FSME cases. Close behind lies Baden-Württemberg, where the number has increased from 72 in 2012 to 168 infections in 2013. Overall, more than twice as many cases were observed in Germany in 2013 with 411 TBE infections than in the previous year. It came according to TK message „80 percent (344) of the 411 national FSME cases in 2013 from Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.“

Almost the whole of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria TBE risk area
Currently, 141 districts in Germany are classified as so-called TBE risk areas, where ticks carry the TBE virus and can pass it on to suck blood. 123 of these risk areas are located in the two southern federal states. Almost the whole of Baden-Wuerttemberg is now affected, according to TK-announcement, „only the city district Heilbronn does not count.“ In Bavaria 79 out of 96 circles are now declared as so-called TBE risk areas. Here are some regions around Munich, Augsburg and in the Alpine area, the remaining unencumbered areas. Andreas Vogt, head of the TK-Landesvertretung Baden-Württemberg, emphasized: „The significant increase in the number of cases shows that it still makes sense to vaccinate certain groups of people.“ According to the Baden-Württemberg TK boss should „anyone who spends a lot of time in nature, even if it's just in the garden or park, take precautions.“ Here is a basic immunization with a total of three vaccinations reliable long-term protection. Christian Bredl, head of the Bavarian TK-Landesvertretung added that now is the right time to start with the vaccinations, „because there are time intervals between the three necessary vaccinations.“

Ticks will be active again soon
In view of the hitherto extremely mild winter and the already spring-like temperatures meanwhile, according to the TK is expected that the ticks are soon very active. Thus, in the risk areas during an outdoor stay again increase the risk of FSME infection. Vaccination offers the most effective protection against viral infectious disease. The possibilities of treatment after an infection, however, are rather limited. Although the „Flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache or vomiting are alleviated“, but the disease itself can not be specifically treated, reports the TC. The victims are dependent on their self-healing or immune defense. Not infrequently they cause permanent damage to the nervous system and in the worst case, the disease can be fatal. (Fp)