Improved protection against UV rays in solariums

Improved protection against UV rays in solariums / Health News

New regulation should provide more protection against UV rays in solariums


UV rays in solariums damage the skin cells and increase the risk of skin cancer. For this reason, a new UV protection regulation was created to better protect consumer health. The legislation will enter into force from the New Year. This is pointed out by the German Cancer Aid e.V. However, the new ordinance does not provide an all-clear signal against frequent use.

Solarium users should be more effectively protected from the health hazards of UV rays from this year onwards. The solarium providers must replace all devices until August 2012, if they do not meet the EU standard and irradiate the skin with more than 0.3 watts per square meter. This reports the German Cancer Aid in a recent report. The newly purchased devices must have a special function that turns the tubes off when they come too close to the user's skin. This happens when the radiation dose is significantly exceeded or an emergency occurs.

In the solarium, according to the European directive, consumers must be clearly warned of the dangers as well as possible damage to the skin and eyes caused by UV rays for each user. However, the users continue to receive expert advice that is tailored to their own skin type. In addition, goggles for the eyes in the solarium must be available.

In 2010, a study was commissioned by the European Commission in nine European countries. As a result, it became clear that for every seventh tanning bed the set limit for UV radiation is exceeded. In addition, users were hardly informed about the risks in the shops. The new UV protection regulation is a consequence of the results at that time. Companies that do not comply with the new regulations are facing severe fines and even the closure of the solarium.
Does the new UV protection regulation mean an all-clear? The Working Group on Dermatological Prevention states in a statement that every use of the solarium increases the risk of skin cancer. Anyone who tans themselves artificially under the tanning tube until he is 35 years old increases his risk of skin cancer by 75 percent. This is especially true for the dangerous malignant melanoma, dermatologists say and rely on long-term studies.

According to the WHO, more than 140,000 people in Germany suffer from skin cancer (2010). 20,000 cases of cancer are the aggressive form of cancer „malignant melanoma“ (Black skin cancer). Around 3000 people die of the cancer. (Sb)

Also read:
Solarium tan: risks due to lack of education
Addicted to the solarium?
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Dangerous black skin cancer

Image: Manwalk