Improved non-smoking protection could prevent up to 30 percent of cancer deaths

Improved non-smoking protection could prevent up to 30 percent of cancer deaths / Health News
Hundreds of thousands of cancer deaths prevented by effective non-smoking protection
Smoking causes massive health problems and millions of people die every year worldwide. Passive smoking also carries considerable risks and is responsible for numerous deaths per year. Overall, effective non-smoker protection could prevent 30 percent of all cancer deaths, according to the latest release from the Medical University of Vienna (MedUni Vienna).

According to the MedUni Vienna, lung cancer is responsible for approximately 1.6 million deaths globally each year. About 70 percent of those affected worldwide are smokers or ex-smokers. In Central Europe, the proportion is even more than 80 percent. Accordingly, smoking can be assessed as the central risk factor for this disease. Other diseases are also linked to tobacco use. For this reason, on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day on 31 May, physicians call for increased protection for non-smokers and increased efforts in the area of ​​smoking prevention.

More effective non-smoking protection could significantly reduce the number of cancer deaths. (Image: Kitty /

100 million deaths as a result of smoking
Non-smoking protection and prevention are key issues in the fight against lung cancer for oncologist Robert Pirker of the Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) of MedUni Vienna and AKH Vienna. Smoking is a huge problem for our society that needs to be counteracted, according to cancer expert Pirker. By way of illustration, the oncologist calls the numbers from available statistics. The statistics provide clear arguments. "In the last century, smoking-related illnesses caused more than 100 million deaths," adding that "more victims than all wars have jointly challenged in the same period," said Pirker in the MedUni Vienna press release. If there is no significant change in global smoking behavior, according to the expert, over one billion smoking-related deaths will occur this century.

Smoking is worth at any age
For all smokers, Pirker recommends stopping smoking, even if they are older. Because international studies have shown that stopping smoking at any age is extremely useful. For example, the United Kingdom Million Women Study found that smoking women had a 25-fold higher cancer risk than non-smokers. Even if they did not stop until the age of 50, this risk was reduced sixfold compared to non-smokers, reports the MedUni Vienna. However, it is clear that even with increasingly better available diagnostic procedures and therapies, it remains even better "not to start smoking at all, or at least to stop it as soon as possible," says cancer expert Pirker

Strict legal requirements required
Citing the information provided by the initiative "" (by experts of the Austrian Society of Hematology & Medical Oncology, OeGHO), the MedUni Vienna reports that "Austria is in last place in terms of tobacco control and non-smoker protection". According to cancer expert Pirker, "there is a lack of political will and people's willingness to consistently implement measures." For example, the establishment of smoke-free zones in restaurants or warnings on cigarette packs was only a first step in the right direction. A general ban on smoking in restaurants, as is the rule in Germany, is necessary. In addition, prices for tobacco products would have to be increased significantly and public awareness of the health and economic disadvantages caused by smoking increased. In addition, the protection of minors must be legally improved, the expert demands. (Fp)