Fan and spray bottle for body cooling

Fan and spray bottle for body cooling / Health News

When heated, the fan and spray bottle can refresh the body


When summer temperatures reach 30 degrees Celsius and above, each step becomes a burden on the body. A visit to the outdoor pool would indeed bring cooling, but the jump into the cool water for most professionals only after work in question. To freshen up in the office during the day, a spray bottle of cold water and a fan helps.

Spray water on the skin and place in front of the fan
A bucket of cold water for the feet, ice cubes in the drink or in between running cold water over your wrists - these tips against summer heat knows almost everyone. Most of these measures only bring a short-term refreshment and they are not always practical, especially in the office. „You can do that to cool down your body temperature“, explained Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld from the family doctors association Bremen to the news agency „dpa“. „But I find it even better to take a nebulizer as for deodorant or perfume, to fill it with water, to spray the water on the skin and then to sit in front of a fan.“ The effect is the same as with sweating: the evaporation of water cools the skin. The result is the so-called evaporation cold.

The blazing sun and physical activity should be avoided, especially at lunchtime, advises Mühlenfeld. This is especially true for people with health problems.

Heat tips for a cool body
The top priority in summer heat is „Drink a lot!“. According to the recommendation of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), adults should take at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. At high temperatures, it may be according to the DGE but also 3 liters or more. The best solution is still water. Juice spritzers in moderation or unsweetened teas quench your thirst. Cola and lemonade are less suitable because of their high sugar content.

Generally, the drinks should not be freezing. In addition, it is advisable to spread over the day again and again smaller amounts of drink to eat instead of a large amount at once. Also, drinking too cold drinks can lead to stomach problems.

For meals, light fare is recommended in small portions. The Mediterranean cuisine offers a variety of licking and digestible dishes. The dishes should contain less fat and protein but more carbohydrates that are more digestible in the heat. (Ag)

Picture: segovax