Venologist What harm the vessels and what they can protect

Venologist What harm the vessels and what they can protect / Health News
Friend or enemy of the veins?
Our veins are doing a great job: Every day, they transport around 7,000 liters of used blood back to the heart. In the legs they also overcome the gravity, because it would only be appropriate to support them actively. Yet many people do not know the enemies and friends of their vessels. Prof. (University of Chisinau) Dr. Stefan Hillejan, phlebologist and proctologist from the Clinic for Venous and Diseases of the Thoracic Diseases in Hanover and chairman of the professional association of qualified medical experts in Germany, therefore explains what weakens the veins and what promotes their health.

veins enemies
Wrong clothing damages the vessels. These include high shoes as well as boots and pants that are too tight. They pinch legs and feet and disturb the blood circulation. This leads to swollen legs and also causes the formation of heat in the veins. "High temperatures cause vessels to dilate and the venous valves, which, like a valve, cause blood to flow in one direction, fail. That way, the blood can no longer run away smoothly and sag in the legs, "explains Prof. Hillejan.

Kneipp treatments such as treading support the venous health and thus counteract thick calves. (Image: Kzenon /

Another adversary of the veins is alcohol. He also dilates the vessels, so that blood accumulates in the leg. Those who are prone to varicose veins should pay attention here and only consume alcohol in moderation. Women, in particular, are the last enemy of the veins: habitual sitting with their legs crossed clamps blood flow, causing congestion in the area below. As a result, the pressure in the vessels increases, ultimately increasing the risk of varicose veins.

veins friends
The best friend of the vessels is movement. Going for a walk and cycling activates the leg muscles that support blood transport. Also, swimming or aqua gymnastics have a positive effect, because water pressure promotes the venous activity. If you have a lot of work to do, you can help your vessels by, for example, bending and extending your toes alternately. Raising one's legs after exercising allows the veins to pause, as the blood now flows back to the center of the body by gravity.

Leg massages from bottom to top additionally support the flow direction of the blood. "If you want to do something good for your veins, you can also use the Kneipp therapy," advises Prof. Hillejan. "For the legs alternately briefly warm and cold shower off. This counteracts the dilation of the vessels and at the same time strengthens the tension of the vein walls. "Even a balanced diet contributes to the preservation of leg health. Fish, legumes and nuts provide the body with omega-3 fatty acids that keep the veins elastic. In addition, a fluid intake of about two liters per day ensures improved flowability of the blood.

Whoever heeds this advice will do something good for his legs and become the best friend of his veins.