Urology Nocturnal urination Cold apartment often cause

Urinary urgency is not rare in older people and it increases the health risk of increased risk of falling, increased fractures but also depression and a higher overall mortality rate.

The Japanese scientists have now investigated whether older people need to use the bathroom more often at night when their living quarters are cold. For this purpose, they measured the temperature in living rooms and bedrooms of 1065 senior citizens for 48 hours. In addition, they have measured the urine excretion of an average of 71.9 years seniors and documented by Urintagebuch or by nocturnal Urinsammeln. One third of the study participants visited the toilet at least twice during the night.
Urine pot lowered by heating
In fact, the researchers found a relationship between the temperature of the living room during the day and the number of visits to the toilet at night: A decrease in temperature was associated with an increased nocturia. This increased frequency was independent of the outside temperature or the season. Also, a control comparison between an average colder room temperature group and a warmer indoor temperature group showed a significantly higher incidence of nocturia among those who lived in the colder apartment during the day. The study can be found here. (Pm)