Urology Men should regularly perform their own testicles

Every year, around 4,000 - mostly younger - men become ill with testicular cancer. According to health experts, the chances of a cure for this type of cancer are relatively good. But the disease must be recognized soon enough. Urologists therefore campaign for a regular self-examination.
Especially young men affected
In recent years, a steady increase in testicular cancer has been reported in Europe and the USA. "There is an increasing frequency of new cases worldwide - even in Germany," write experts from the Professional Association of German Urologists and the German Society of Urology (DGU) on the "urologist portal". Around 4,000 new cases of testicular cancer are found in Germany, whereby the disease predominantly affects younger men. The experts call therefore especially young men to "testicles" on to detect testicular cancer as early as possible.

Not every bump indicates cancer
Testicular cancers are one of the rarer cancers. According to health experts, mostly 20- to 40-year-olds are affected. You should therefore regularly scan your testicles for hardening.
A testicular cancer disease is often the affected patient even by a painless hardening and / or swelling of the affected testicle.
But not everyone who detects an unusual bump during palpation has testicular cancer. It could also be the epididymis or the result of an injury.
Testicular pain does not necessarily have to be related to a malignant disease.
Experts advise men in case of doubt to go to a urologist who makes an ultrasound scan.
Young men should take regular steps
The German Society for Urology (DGU) advertises from Monday within the framework of a theme week for self-examination.
"Men and especially young men are known to be extremely careless and consider themselves invulnerable. Understandably, many boys in puberty do not even have the subject of testicular cancer on the screen. With around 4000 new cases per year, testicular cancer is the most common cancer of young men ", explained DGU press spokesman Prof. Dr. med. Christian Wülfing in a message.
The website "hodencheck.de" should provide information. There will also be a video clip, expert talks and a graffiti campaign designed to encourage men to get in step more often.
Disease can be cured in most cases
According to the experts, testicular cancer is curable in about 95 percent of all cases, but usually only by surgical removal of the affected testicle.
Metastases, which usually occur in the back of the abdomen or in the lungs, are treated with chemotherapy.
The therapy does not affect sexuality or pleasure. But: "Preserve sperm deep frozen before treatment, because testicular cancer and its therapy endanger fertility," the urologists write.
Exact causes of testicular cancer are unknown
The causes of testicular cancer are not yet fully understood. However, some risk factors are known that can have a beneficial effect on the development. This includes above all a so-called undescended testicles after birth, which is usually corrected in infants.
Hereditary factors are also believed to be the cause of an increased risk of developing the disease, since the tumor sometimes occurs frequently within a family.
As part of the theme week testicular cancer, the urologists want to reach their target group with loose slogans. There are, among other things, sprayed penis graffiti with a stylized hand that scans the testicles. Then there are sayings, such as "So you testicular cancer is not on the bag" to find. (Ad)