Cancer screening The strong sex is weak in screening

Cancer screening The strong sex is weak in screening / Health News

Cancer screening: men are precautionary

Although life expectancy with cancer has risen across Europe in recent years, significantly more patients could probably be better treated if their condition were diagnosed earlier. Unfortunately, the cancer screening tests are used too seldom. Especially men are precautionary muffle.

Number of new cancer cases is increasing

More and more people are getting cancer. According to the World Cancer Report of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), there could be 20 million cancer cases annually by 2025. In Germany, the number of new diagnoses has almost doubled since 1970. Although patients today can be treated much better than in the past, the most important factor in the success of treatment is still the earliest possible diagnosis. But the screening tests are still being used by too few people. Above all, the so-called strong sex is weak in the provision.

Cancer can usually be treated more gently and with better chances of success, if it is recognized early. Unfortunately, too few people use the screening tests. Especially men are precautionary muffle. (Image: Markus Mainka /

Diseases often preventable

Health experts say around one third of all cancers worldwide are preventable. The cancer risk can be significantly reduced.

One of the most important contributions to reducing the risk of personal cancer is to stop smoking.

Also the alcohol consumption should be limited. After all, alcohol can trigger seven different types of cancer, according to scientific findings.

Furthermore, it is recommended to pay attention to a healthy diet, to exercise regularly and to avoid overweight.

But it is also very important to be regularly checked for cancer. Because: recognized early, the disease can usually be treated more gently and with better chances of success.

Especially men are precautionary muffle

But just under 60 percent of women from North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) used in 2016 the cancer screening tests of the statutory health insurance.

For the men it was only 26 percent. This is shown by the insurance data of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK).

"We advise our insured to consciously deal with the topic of early detection and to weigh pros and cons individually. This is especially true for people who fear a misdiagnosis or overtreatment, "said Günter van Aalst, head of the TK-Landesvertretung in NRW in a statement.

The health fund offers on its homepage technical information and decision support for various cancer screening examinations. (Ad)