Underestimated fatty liver Why fat damages the liver

According to health experts, around ten million Germans have elevated liver enzymes. This also increases the risk of developing liver disease over the course of life. These diseases are often severe and life-threatening. Most liver damage today is no longer caused by high alcohol consumption, but by obesity.
One third of Germans have a fatty liver
More than a third of Germans suffer from fatty liver disease. However, many do not know anything about it at first because the liver suffers dangerously quiet. Because the disease of the organ therefore usually remains unrecognized for a long time, due to a fatty liver or a hepatitis infection unnoticed can develop a chronic liver inflammation, the result of many years, liver cirrhosis or liver cancer can be. It is all the more important to prevent.

Belly fat is considered particularly dangerous
In the past, fatty liver adiposity was first and foremost attributed to excessive alcohol consumption. Obesity and diabetes are now regarded as the main risk factors, reports the magazine "Apotheken Umschau" on its website. Damage to the organ is also favored by infections such as hepatitis C and some medications.
Belly fat is considered particularly dangerous, it increases the risk of developing metabolic disorders and high blood pressure. If men have a waist circumference of 102 centimeters, then overweight can be dangerous. For women, 88 centimeters are the limit.
"In contrast, the fat pads on the legs, hips and bottom even have a certain protective function," said Professor Norbert Stefan from the Department of Clinical-Experimental Diabetology at the University Hospital Tübingen, in the "Apotheken Umschau". The subcutaneous fatty tissue pulls free fatty acids like a sponge out of the blood and thus protects the vessels from deposits.
Pay particular attention to the diet
As a rule, it is genetically determined at which points superfluous pounds are noticeable. But man can respond to it correctly: "Those who are prone to the belly should pay particular attention to his diet," said Professor Michael Manns, Director of the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology of the Medical University of Hannover.
A high-calorie, high-fat and high-sugar diet can apparently add to the liver as well as larger amounts of alcohol. According to a scientific study, fasting can break down a fatty liver in a timely manner.
The liver suffers mute
"The fatty liver is a multi-system disease that affects the entire metabolism," says Manns according to the magazine. "Above all, it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes." Conversely, an existing diabetes favors fat deposits in the liver. "Up to 90 percent of the severely overweight and almost 70 percent of type 2 diabetics have a fatty liver," said the expert.
But the liver suffers mute and only when the organ is greatly enlarged, it comes to symptoms such as pressure in the upper abdomen, fatigue and loss of appetite. If the fatty tissue ignites, it becomes dangerous: "Up to 30 percent of those affected develop non-alcoholic fatty liver hepatitis, which can cause cirrhosis or liver cancer," says Stefan.
Liver levels are not increased in all sufferers
Although an abnormal liver can sometimes be recognized by the liver values, these are "only increased for every second affected person," said Stefan.
Often the sugar and fat metabolism is disturbed at the time of diagnosis. "If the doctor detects a fatty liver, he must always have the blood pressure, blood sugar levels and blood lipid levels of those affected in mind," Manns explained.
Professor Stefan explained, "Fat storage in the liver raises blood sugar levels, so the pancreas can no longer cope with the formation of the blood sugar-lowering hormone insulin." In addition, a fatty liver promotes deposition in the vessels.
Reduce weight by at least five percent
If the fatliquoring triggers are eliminated and avoided, the liver tissue can regenerate at an early diagnosis. For patients, this means a consistent change in lifestyle.
"For overweight people, we recommend reducing their weight by five to ten percent," Manns explained. He advises a full-fledged, calorie-reduced diet instead of radical fasting diets. Also important is physical activity. "We recommend moderate endurance training three times a week for at least 30 minutes," says Manns.
Search for suitable drugs
However, in some patients, a healthier lifestyle is not enough. Although active ingredients are being tested time and again, "none of them has yet overcome the hurdle of approval," regretted Stefan.
"But even if the drug therapy should eventually prevail, it makes sense only together with a lifestyle change," said Stefan. "Who drinks too much alcohol and feeds wrongly, does not need chemistry with side effects. That's where diet change and abstinence help. "(Ad)