Different symptoms of migraine

Migraine is characterized by a variety of symptoms: Aura symptoms accompany the typical migraine signs
Migraine is a relatively widespread condition, with the symptoms being extremely variable among those affected. While some patients complain of mild dizziness, nausea and massive headaches, the typical migraine symptoms are much more severe in other people and they also struggle with so-called aura symptoms.
Migraine is characterized not only by the typical headache, associated with dizziness and nausea, but in the course of the so-called migraine aura can also „Pain on the face, on the neck, in the eyes or on the teeth occur“, explains Stefan Evers of the German Society for Neurology (DGN) „World Online“. The „multifaceted disease picture“ could significantly complicate the diagnosis of migraine, said the expert.
Aura symptoms in migraine
Migraine is a significant burden for the sufferer, as they not only suffer from severe pain during an attack, but also any stimuli or signals can aggravate their suffering. Light, sounds and smells are often perceived much more intense than normal and quickly create an unbearable burden. In many patients, the migraine attack is accompanied by an aura that causes blurred vision, numbness and tingling in the fingertips, face, hands or legs, explained Stefan Evers. For those affected, the attack feels a bit as if the brain is overreacting due to sensory overload. Besides, besides the typical symptoms „also strong mood swings and the feeling that everything is running in slow motion, aura and migraine signs“, Evers explained. By the „multifaceted disease picture“ was the diagnosis of migraine especially in children „sometimes difficult“, stressed the expert.
Migraine is easily treatable today
According to Stefan Evers, migraine patients can now be helped relatively well these days. To exist „for acute therapy and prophylaxis (...) effective medicines“, with which the migraine symptoms can be treated quite successfully. Above all, it is important that the migraine patients identify their personal migraine triggers and try to avoid them, said the expert. Here are the most diverse causes for the occurrence of migraine in question, such as hormone levels fluctuations, diet, personal stress or alcohol consumption. The association with hormonal fluctuations (during the menstrual cycle) is also likely to be one of the reasons why women are more affected by migraine than men. While only eight percent of men in Germany suffer from migraines, around 17 percent of women are affected.
Alternative treatments for migraine
From an naturopathic point of view, as an alternative to the medical treatment of migraine, various treatment approaches are available, which are adjusted after a corresponding amnesis by the therapist, the possible causes of the pain. Promising treatment successes have already been achieved both with cleansing of the intestinal flora (intestinal dysbiosis), as well as with draining methods (eg cupping), fasting, biofeedback, homeopathy, neural therapy, osteopathy, relaxation procedures, acupuncture as well as arm and foot baths. Relaxation exercises, autogenic training or tai chi can also provide a migraine preventive effect, as they help to prevent stress and stress is one of the main causes of migraine. (Fp)
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