Our little thank you Heilpraxisnet.de Christmas competition 2015

Our little thank you Heilpraxisnet.de Christmas competition 2015 / Health News
This year we want to do a small competition for the first time. We just want to say thank you. We're giving away a weekend in a first-class design holiday home in Hanover's Wedemark. Here you can find peace and relaxation and just let the soul dangle.

Rest and relaxation
The house is ideal for people looking for peace but do not want to miss the comfort of a fully equipped house. Surrounded by forests, fields and nature, all come at your expense. Here you can cook, laze, hike, lounging in front of the fireplace or just sit on the terrace and let nature work on you. The fully-roofed house offers over 130 square meters of living space and 2500 square meters of land everything that makes the heart of a nature lover beat faster. Further information to the really great house can be found on www.ferienhaus-abbensen.de

Anyone who writes an email to [email protected] until 23.12.2015 / 24.00 has good chances. Please just write in the subject "I want to win" and you're in! Who has won, gets a notification from us. The legal process is excluded. A payout of the profit is not possible. After the competition, we will delete all data. We keep our fingers crossed for everyone!