Unhealthy Cell Phone Usage More than 70 percent of young children are daddling too much

Smartphones and tablets are no longer indispensable for many people. For some, however, the use of such devices is excessive. Above all, more and more young people are threatening internet addiction. And even the majority of small children daddelt too much on the phone, experts warn.
Adolescents spend far too much time on their smartphones
The digital media consumption of adolescents has increased significantly in recent years. This also has consequences for the health. Scientific studies show that Samrtphones can put children and adolescents under constant stress and reduce their sleep quality. Of particular concern is that even small children spend too much time on their mobile phones.

Cell phone use already in the nursery and Kita age
According to doctors, seven out of ten children use their parents' mobile phone for more than half an hour a day, the news agency dpa reports.
This has resulted in a study conducted in recent years by pediatricians on media consumption among one to six year olds, as the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) announced on Friday at the beginning of a congress in Weimar.
According to the data, the survey has so far evaluated the results of more than 3,000 child screening examinations and interviews with parents.
Congress leader According to dpa, Uwe Büsching explained that the mobile phone "really does not have anything to look for in small children". Excessive media consumption could, among other things, delay language development. In addition, it is known that there are connections with the development of an attention deficit disorder (ADHD).
Even very young children need advice
The so-called BLIKK study (coping-learning-behavior-intelligence-diseases-children), in which, in addition to the medical association and its foundation child and youth, among others, the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln (RFH) and the University of Duisburg-Essen are involved, is examined in children in the Age from one month to 14 years dealing with digital media.
In a statement by dr. Büsching states that according to a cross-sectional study of nearly 6,000 patients:
"Unregulated media use is increasingly found in preschool children with developmental deficits, especially language developmental deficiencies. The advice of the parents must therefore already begin with very young children. "
The expert continues: Parents are role models from their earliest childhood. Rules must be agreed in writing before purchasing digital media. Rules apply to all family members without exception. (Ad)