Unhealthy sugar bombs Many dairy products are clearly too sweet

World Milk Day: Two-thirds of dairy products contain too much sugar
Nutrition experts always advise against overconsumption of sugar, since this is associated with numerous health risks. Unfortunately, it is often not easy to see how much of the sweetener is in certain foods. Even supposedly healthy dairy products often contain too much sugar. Experts point out this on World Milk Day.
Milk is considered a healthy natural product
In the past, milk was the epitome of healthy nutrition. But now there is a dispute over whether milk is healthy or harmful. For example, the natural product is said to strengthen bones and teeth, but according to studies, it may also favor diseases such as asthma. However, recent research shows that milk is actually healthy. However, it depends on the form in which it is enjoyed, because especially some children's milk products are often more of a candy than a healthy food.

World Milk Day on 1 June
Although pure milk is a valuable food with important ingredients, unfortunately too much sugar or sweetener is added too often during further processing.
This is indicated by the Austrian Diabetes Association (ÖDG) and the preventive medicine institute SIPCAN on the occasion of World Milk Day on 1 June.
The annual SIPCAN Milk List, a study of the sugar content in more than 1,100 dairy products in the Austrian market, shows that a large proportion of the available dairy products for drinking or spooning are too sweet to be healthy.
Negative health consequences
"Milk is a healthy food right away. This simple equation unfortunately leads to consumer confusion, "said ÖDG President Univ. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Kautzky-Willer according to a message.
"Just because milk is part of a product on the supermarket shelves unfortunately does not mean that this product is healthy," said the expert.
"The main reason why, unlike milk-processed dairy products can also have negative health consequences, is the addition of sugar or sweeteners."
Addition of sugar is to be rejected
"Milk itself is already an energy supplier with its natural sugar content. Further additions of sugar are therefore particularly accurate to observe and actually reject, "said Kautzky-Willer.
According to the expert, free sugars in children and adolescents should account for less than five percent of the energy and ideally be supplied in the form of milk, unsweetened milk products or fruit.
"As a thirst quencher should serve primarily water, unsweetened dairy products, however, be regarded as part of a meal or small meal replacement," said the doctor.
"In fact, replacing soft drinks with water, and even milk, can help reduce calorie intake and lead to less childhood obesity."
And: "Fermented dairy and low-fat dairy products - always unsweetened, of course - may even improve insulin resistance and contribute to less risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, probably due to their minerals, vitamins, but also low protein and fatty acids."
According to the doctor, milk fat is likely to differ from other animal fat, which is described as having a higher risk of diabetes.
"Too much sugar means increasing your personal risk of obesity, diabetes and many more so-called lifestyle diseases. In times when more and more people and, above all, more and more children and young people are too fat, it is inappropriate to put a healthy coat on sugar bombs. "
Do not reach for the sugar bomb
The President of the Austrian Obesity Society Prof. Prim. Hoppichler, added: "Especially for dairy products for drinking and spooning consumers need support not to grab the sugar bomb and to believe that you are doing his own body or his family something good."
The annual SIPCAN milk list should provide a practical orientation guide for everyday life. In addition, the authors want to simultaneously rethink producers and retailers.
As stated in the communication, the SIPCAN experts have set an orientation value of no more than 12 grams of sugar per 100 g per 100 ml of dairy product.
This value is composed of the natural sugar content of the milk (on average 4.6 g per 100 ml) and the maximum level of added sugar of 7.4 g per 100 g / ml derived from the WHO recommendation.
In addition to the mentioned sugar limit, no sweeteners may be included in the products. "By adding sweeteners, there is a risk that consumers and especially children are used to higher sweetness in the long term and that, in addition, there is no feeling of fullness despite the sweetness," explained Kautzky-Willer.
"We should learn to enjoy the natural sweetness of dairy products in moderation due to the normal milk sugar content."
Only one third of the products meet the specifications
"Since 2012, the share of positive list products has fortunately doubled. However, at present only one third of all products available in Austrian retail meet the sugar requirements, "says Hoppichler.
"Milk is undeniably a valuable food with important ingredients such as Calcium, protein and B vitamins "said the expert.
"But I am very worried that - in relation to the total sugar content - in a small 200 g cup of vanilla yogurt, the equivalent of eight pieces of sugar can be hidden."
Sweeteners as a worrying trend
For dairy products to drink a worrying trend is observed. While a reduction in the proportion of products containing sweeteners was noted from 2012 to 2015, there has been a renewed increase since 2015.
"When shopping, look for the sugar content and check the ingredients list to see if sweeteners like Aspartame, cyclamate but also steviol glycoside are included, "said Kautzky-Willer.
Finally, calorie-free sweeteners can make people overweight.
"A dairy product should contain no sweeteners and a maximum of 12 g of sugar per 100 ml or 100 g. With this simple rule you can save sugar despite enjoyment. It is better, however, to completely abstain from adding sugar to milk, yoghurts and other dairy products. "
The experts call on manufacturers to gradually reduce their sugar content and reduce the use of sweeteners.
"Every consumer has a chance to gradually get used to less sweetness. Industry has a key role to play in this regard and must commit to this responsibility, "said Hoppichler and Kautzky-Willer. (Ad)