Unhealthy pesticides clean apples with baking soda and water

How can I effectively rid my apples of pesticides??
If you want to eat an apple, you should of course wash it off thoroughly. But is simple washing with water enough to remove any pesticides from the apples? Researchers were now looking into how to clean our apples to rid them of pesticides. The experts advise to soak apples for cleaning in a solution of baking soda and water.
The University of Massachusetts researchers found in their current research that a solution of baking soda and water can be used to remove pesticides from apples. Consumer Reports has just released a press release with notes on how to properly clean apples.

Pesticides in food can have fatal consequences for humans
If you are an apple lover but do not always buy organic apples, you should wash the apples before eating them. The reason is simple: apples could have pesticides on their surface. Such pesticides can then be absorbed by the body and cause serious health problems. Only recently has there been a case in Argentina of a young girl who died after eating a mandarin contaminated with pesticides.
Be sure to clean your apples before eating
If you buy apples in grocery stores, they were previously washed in a bleach solution and rinsed before being sold, says author Lili He of the University of Massachusetts. The purpose of this cleaning, however, is the removal of dirt and harmful microbes that are normally on the fruit. The process will not be carried out to remove any pesticides that may be present, the expert adds. So if you want to reduce exposure to pesticides, be sure to thoroughly clean your apples at home before eating the apples.
Apples were cleaned with different solutions
To test how effective different pesticide-based washing methods are, researchers purchased organic apples of any variety and then treated them with two pesticides that are commonly used on apples. One of these pesticides was created so that it can even penetrate into the fruit. Thereafter, the scientists washed the various groups of apples in a bleaching solution, which is also used in commercial processing. The researchers also washed the apples with a soda-water solution or clear water.
It takes up to 15 minutes before all pesticides have been removed
It was surprising to see how long it took to wash away the pesticides, scientists say. Submerging the apples in the caustic soda for a period of only two minutes removed more pesticides than soaking two minutes in the bleach solution. It was also more effective than washing for two minutes under running tap water. Nevertheless, it took a full 12 to 15 minutes in the baking powder solution until the pesticides were completely removed.
Some pesticides can invade the fruit
Apple production uses dozens of pesticides and scientists have studied just two of the commonly used pesticides. No matter how thoroughly you clean your apples, you may still not be able to remove all chemicals because some may invade the fruit. This depends on which pesticides were used and when they were applied. "However, it is good to hear that cleaning with sodium bicarbonate is effective in removing some pesticides," said James Rogers, director of food safety and research at Consumer Reports.
How do I wash my fruits properly??
You should immediately wash your purchased products under running water if you bring them to your home. The longer the pesticides are present on the fruits and vegetables, the deeper they are absorbed, the researchers explain. This makes it difficult to effectively remove them. For some products, it is not possible to wash them off immediately, because, for example, in the case of berries and mushrooms spoilage is accelerated by the process. For further cleansing, you can also soak other fruits in a solution of one teaspoon of baking soda and two cups of water for at least two minutes. The fruits should then be rinsed with tap water again before consumption, the scientists advise. (As)