Unhealthy night work What can help those affected

Sleep Disorders: Tips for Reworking Employees
Doctors, bartenders, night watchmen: Many of them are struggling with sleep disorders. Every eleventh employee in Germany works at night. Shifting and night work not only provide for bad sleep, but also have social effects. Employees should follow some tips and tricks to reduce the health consequences.
Every eleventh employee works at night
Every eleventh employee (9.2 percent) in Germany worked at night in 2012 according to figures from the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat). At eleven percent, men made it significantly more common than women at six percent. According to the Working Hours Act, all activities that are carried out for at least two hours between 11 pm and 6 am belong to night work. It does not matter if employees stand on the assembly line, patrol or operate on an appendix: „Shift work is never really healthy“, said psychologist Hiltraut Paridon of the German statutory accident insurance, according to a message from the news agency dpa. „Our body is not made to work at night.“ Even if there are people who can handle the night shift better than others, nobody should only work in the long term at night.
Many have problems falling asleep
Many of the body functions fluctuate in a 24-hour rhythm. Thus, the sleep hormone melatonin is released in different amounts - during the day less, at night more. This rhythm gets mixed up when employees work at night. „Many people suffer from sleep disturbances, have problems falling asleep after the shift, or can not sleep through sleep“, so Paridon. The 38-year-old senior physician at the clinic in Mühldorf am Inn, Christian Umschlag, also needed one thing above all during his time as an assistant after a week's night shift: sleep. Although he no longer has to postpone these night shifts in the meantime, in addition to his services, he also has readiness periods that last 24 hours and at which he has to go to the clinic at any time of day or night when an emergency calls for it. „This is no less exhausting because you always expect the phone to ring“, so the surgeon. But not only doctors and hospital staff regularly work night shifts, policemen, train employees and employees in the manufacturing industry are also on duty when it's dark outside. „Even call center employees are increasingly working around the clock“, so Paridon.
Shift workers live on average unhealthier
Shiftwork also associates a number of diseases, including cardiovascular disease and digestive system problems. Paridon said: „Shift workers on average eat unhealthier, smoke more and do less exercise.“ US researchers at Vanderbilt University in Nashville found in a study last year that certain ways of working such as shiftwork and lack of sleep favor the metabolic disease diabetes. In addition, previous studies have shown that people who suffer from sleep disorders, for example because they work constantly at night, also tend to overweight and high blood pressure. Reworking also links an increased risk of cancer. In order not to resort too often to chocolate bars or similar unhealthy, employees should bring something healthy from home to work. In addition, they should strive for a regular sports program in their spare time.
Nocturnal working hours can lead to social isolation
In addition to the body, the soul is often also affected. Psychology Professor and Chairman of the Society for Work, Economic and Organizational Psychological Research (GAWO) in Oldenburg Friedhelm Nachreiner explained: „Social contacts are influenced by shiftwork.“ The unusual working hours could at worst lead to social isolation. When shift workers go to bed in the morning, life begins around them. Therefore, they should strive to live according to a fixed rhythm, such as by meeting regularly with friends and family for dinner or occasional excursions. Shift workers should by no means overload the days they need to rest with, for example, advancing house construction on a daily basis or completing all administrative procedures in one day. „This is not only exhausting, but the accident risk increases enormously“, so Paridon. Even if the body has its power low between 2:00 and 4:00, it can turn up again in the morning. Nevertheless, night workers should make sure that they get enough sleep after their shift.
Settle down with the help of rituals
It depends on the type, when to go to sleep. Some do this immediately after their work, others need a while to relieve tension. Rituals can help to calm down. Paridon explained: „Whether it's tea or reading the newspaper for a while or taking a shower, everyone has to find out for themselves.“ Some people swear by relaxation exercises like yoga or autogenic training. Basically important for a restful sleep are a quiet environment and dark curtains. „Under no circumstances should you regularly resort to sleeping pills.“ Professionals got used to the drugs and became mentally dependent. In naturopathy, some sleep aids have proven useful, such as valerian extracts alone or in combination with hops, lemon balm and passion flower. These agents have proven to be an alternative to the risky synthetic hypnotics and sedatives in a large number of clinical studies. The physician Christian Umschlag sets the tension in the job conscious relaxation and has started with a solid sports program. He can live quite well with his shifts and said: „After all, they are part of my job.“ (Ad)
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