Survey Every fourth legally insured person is interested in homeopathy

Consumers from the south and west of the Federal Republic are most interested in homeopathy: 29% of customers from Saarland and 28% each from Bavaria and Rhineland-Palatinate filter the results in the CHECK24 comparison according to whether the health insurance company bears the costs for homeopathy. In Bremen (17%) and Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt (18% each), consumers are the least interested in this achievement.
In the case of reimbursement, the funds distinguish between homeopathic treatment (eg initial examination) and homeopathic medicines. Some funds do not cover both or only part of the costs. Depending on the statute, the insurance companies provide z. B. only when treated by a specific therapist. Homeopathic medicines (eg globules) are usually reimbursed only with a private prescription. (Pm)