Survey One in five would like to undergo beauty surgery

The trend towards more cosmetic surgery in Germany has been going on for years. It would obviously be much more if they did not cost so much money. As a survey showed, then every fifth German would like to have a beauty surgery done.
Many would be operated on
If plastic surgery was not so expensive, according to a survey, more people would go under the knife, the news agency dpa reports. As the opinion research institute YouGov determined, one in five could operate, if money played no role. According to YouGov, three percent of people in Germany are currently undergoing cosmetic surgery. Almost twice as many women as men have the representative survey for interest in such an intervention. 26 percent of women would opt for surgery. The proportion of men is 14 percent.

Even children want cosmetic surgery
But even without the people who renounce such an operation for financial reasons, the trend to more cosmetic surgery in this country for a long time. According to a nationwide patient survey of the German Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (DGÄPC) last year, breast augmentations were the most frequently requested interventions. The children's barometer of the building society LBS published in 2013 had shown that even many children want a beauty surgery. At that time, 10,000 children between the ages of nine and fourteen were interviewed throughout Germany. (Ad)