Tulips, Larkspur and Co Native garden plants are very poisonous

Tulips, Larkspur and Co Native garden plants are very poisonous / Health News
Health risk: Many domestic garden plants are poisonous
Many plants that grow in native gardens are poisonous. Some of them can even be deadly if swallowed. Most of all, many of the plants are painful when touched.

Poisonous plants in native gardens
Only a few days ago, the case of a 79-year-old man from Heidenheim showed that not only exotic but also indigenous plants can be life-threatening. He had poisoned himself by eating zucchini from his garden with cucurbitacin and died thereupon. The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety had pointed out that this year, due to the great drought, it appears that there are increasing amounts of bitter-tasting bitter substances in zucchini and pumpkins from private cultivation. In native gardens, however, many more potentially harmful plants grow.

Many garden plants such as tulips or daffodils are poisonous. (Image: Krawczyk photo / fotolia.com)

Even flower water can be poisonous
As the news agency dpa reports, many popular garden plants are toxic to humans and pets. For example, an itchy rash with redness and puffiness may develop as a result of skin contact with tulips by the hobby gardener. Experts therefore advise wearing gloves. If parts of the plant are swallowed, it can cause nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, possibly a drop in body temperature, shock or apathy. With very large quantities a respiratory arrest threatens. The same applies to other popular flowers. Thus, the information center had advised against poisoning in Bonn to be careful with daffodils and tulips. In the case of daffodils, according to the information, even the flower water is toxic.

If swallowed, health problems threaten
Skin irritation can also be caused by an oil of the hedge plant Thuja. If the plant touches, you should wash your hands. According to the Bonn Poison Control Center, swallowing causes diarrhea and diarrhea, in rare cases liver and kidney damage as well as seizures. Other very poisonous plants are yews, laburnum, larkspur, blue and yellow monkshood and the angel trumpet. And some poisonous berries bring you to the hospital, pharmacists warned recently. For example, three belladonna can kill children.

What to do with poisoning
Typical signs of poisoning are vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, some plants also cause drowsiness and cramps. Another indication of poisoning may be dilated pupils. If, for example, delphinium is swallowed, numbness of the tongue, hands and toes, sweats, and colics and respiratory paralysis may occur. Other possible warning signs of poisoning include gagging, red lips and circulatory failure. In case of suspicion, the local poison center should be called, where an expert advice on what to do with which plant. An overview of symptoms and instructions can also be found at "gizbonn.de". Concerned individuals should drink still water as a first treatment to dilute the poison.

Since charcoal tablets bind the poison, which should always be in stock in the medicine cabinet. Milk is taboo, because it can accelerate the absorption of the harmful substance through the intestine. If symptoms of nausea or dizziness appear, the ambulance should be called. Ideally, parts of the swallowed plant should be taken to the clinic so that the doctors know where the poisoning came from.

Even skin contact can cause discomfort
But not only the possible poisonings from ingestion of plant parts are a problem. Already with normal handles in the gardening it can come to complaints. In addition to daffodils, hyacinths and primroses, many members of the daisy family, such as arnica, mugwort and marigold, cause skin irritation, as the German Skin and Allergy Agency (DHA) explained. The contact with meadow rue, bergamot, celery and parsley can be particularly painful. The substances contained therein called Furocoumarine act in sunlight. This can cause severe redness and painful blisters on the skin. Patients should wash the skin under running, cold water. Cooling envelopes can relieve the itching.

Dermatologists or allergists can use a test to confirm irritability and treat it. Inflammation and itching are then usually treated with ointments or creams with glucocorticoids or antihistamines. However, according to DHA, even without treatment, the acute symptoms resolve within a few days if you stay away from the plants. (Ad)