Despite sick leave for the wedding party? This can give trouble to the boss

Despite sick leave for the wedding party? This can give trouble to the boss / Health News
However, supervisors can not always warn
If you take part in a private party despite the sick leave, you may have to expect trouble. For workers who, e.g. Staying at home because of a flu or tonsillitis infection, must behave in such a way that they recover as soon as possible. Otherwise, the boss may under certain conditions pronounce a warning.
Employees must behave fundamentally recovery-promoting
Whether a wedding, christening or the grandmother's 90th birthday: If you are on sick leave, you should think twice about joining a private party. Because, as the news agency "dpa" tells, sick workers are required to behave fundamentally recovery-promoting and avoid anything that could aggravate the disease or delay the recovery. So anyone who visits the friend's wedding in spite of the flu and thus risks an extension of his illness may, under certain circumstances, be cautioned or even dismissed by his boss.

Celebrate despite sick leave: That could cause trouble. Picture: pix4U - fotolia

For mental disorders, a party can even have a positive effect
But this is not always the case, because the central question is to what extent such a festival has an influence on the patient's state of health or recovery. For with mental health problems such an event can sometimes even have a positive effect, the message goes on. If a banker is e.g. A witness to a robbery and then falls out due to the psychological burden for a few weeks, the visit to the wedding of a close relative can thus help that it quickly recovered, the message continues.

To avoid misunderstandings and unpleasant reactions of the boss, it is recommended to visit a doctor before the celebration and to describe the situation. If participation from a medical point of view makes sense, ill-written employees should be given a written confirmation as a precautionary measure.

Illness must be reported immediately
But that's not all, what ill employees have to think about. Even those who do not announce their illness in time must expect consequences. Because according to § 5 paragraph 1 sentence 1 of the wage maintenance law (EFZG), the employee is obliged "to notify the employer of incapacity for work and their probable duration immediately". "Immediate" means that the sick leave must be made as soon as possible or as soon as the incapacity for work is noticed. Accordingly, this should normally be done at the beginning of the working day. If the timely message, the entitlement to continued pay may be limited, also here is a warning or in case of repetition, even a termination possible. (No)