Despite the cold daily movement through artificially force

Despite the cold daily movement through artificially force / Health News
Even in inclement weather, it is important to go out regularly
When it's cold and hazy outside, many people just like to stay home and make themselves comfortable. But this creates a shortage of exercise, fresh air and daylight especially in older people in the dark season. Here you can help small rituals such as the daily shopping to come regularly at the door.
Daily departure in the dark season prevents deficiency symptoms
Whether by long walks, gardening and long evenings on the balcony: In the summer we get almost "automatically" enough exercise, light and oxygen, as life mostly takes place outside. In the fall, however, begins the cozy time and many people stayed in the rain, fog and cool temperatures rather in the warm living room. Especially seniors often have no reason to go out. The dark season can quickly lead to vitamin D deficiency, which can cause symptoms similar to depression. Typical of winter depression are e.g. Chronic fatigue, irritability, sleep disorders, depression and listlessness.

Right now you have to "force" yourself to move. Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia

"The attitude is often that one has peace and freedom in old age. But that is sometimes counterproductive, "said Christine Sowinski of the Board of Trustees German Altershilfe (KDA) to the news agency" dpa ". Help could be an "artificial compulsion", so that every day something fresh air is caught. "Shopping something every day - and if it's just the newspaper you did not subscribe to," Sowinski recommends.

Regular foliage sweeping keeps you fit
For religious people, regular church attendance could become a ritual to come to the door. Even a daily walk to the cemetery or foliage sweep in the fall are ways to get enough exercise and fresh air in old age. In contrast, the cold season is no problem for dog owners - because they would have to go outside several times a day in wind and weather. (Nr)