Loyalty research Which professional group tends to cheat?

Loyalty research Which professional group tends to cheat? / Health News
Certain professions are more likely to associate with their partner than others. Does the profession also have something to do with the own understanding of love and loyalty? A new study shows that there can be something in it. In a non-representative online study, this question was investigated by a team from the US dating site "Illicit Encounters".

Those who go astray risk their relationship to a special degree. For various studies have shown in the past that an infidelity counts among the most common reasons for separation. Now, a recent analysis has shown that apparently the profession has an influence on how high the risk of third-party is. Thus, as "The Huffington Post" reports, e.g. Bankers use their partners more often than other professionals.

Which professional groups are more likely to be foreigners? Image: eyeQ - fotolia

Bankers and managers have the highest third party risk
Are certain professions more often foreign than others? This question has also been asked by the operators of the online platform "Illicit Encounters", through which married people can find contacts for an extramarital adventure. They compared the profiles of their users and found that there were indeed differences between the different occupations. Bankers often would not be so faithful with their loyalty. They ranked first by far with 18 percent of those seeking an affair. Twelve percent came from the management sector, managing directors and freelancers each came to eight percent.

An infidelity can also endanger your health
Being a stranger can not only be a poison for the relationship, but it can also damage your health, according to a study by the University of Turin. Therefore, most men would be under stress during an affair and have an increased risk of migraine and diseased arterial enlargement. Likewise, the deceived or the betrayed can experience severe impairment, if the infidelity of the partner is known. Because this situation can cause anxiety and depression and cause similar symptoms, as in a mental disorder after a serious accident. (Sb)