Loyalty in partnerships is very important

Loyalty in partnerships is very important / Health News

Loyalty is most important to Germans in partnerships


The relationship pictures have hardly changed in the last ten years. A majority of Germans still believe that loyalty is the most important part of a harmonious and happy relationship. In any case, this was the result of a representative survey of the GFK on behalf of the pharmacies Umschau.

Loyalty is most important in partnerships
Men and women are almost equally of the opinion that loyalty in a partnership is the most important thing. That's what 64 percent of men and 65 percent of women said during the CSF survey. The comparison to a survey two years ago with the same question reveals that hardly anything has changed in this attitude. At that time, 65 percent of respondents said loyalty was the most important element of a relationship. Much more present since the joint and intensive discussions. In 2001, 46 percent of both sexes indicated that discussions are very important. At least 52 percent today. Fundamental freedoms are also important to 46% of respondents. In 2001 it was still 36 percent. In addition to loyalty, the focus is on honesty and mutual trust. 61 percent stated that these attributes were important. In 2001, however, it was still 76 percent.

Strife is part of a harmonious relationship
The dispute is part of every partnership. Hardly anything has changed in this view in the last 10 years. Only a small percentage of respondents think that one should always have the opinion of the partner, otherwise one would get heartbroken. That's 4 percent (compared to 5 percent in 2001. The survey was attended by almost 2600 men and women over the age of 14. (sb)

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