Trendsport kettlebell These are the best exercises for newcomers

Trendsport kettlebell These are the best exercises for newcomers / Health News
Kettlebells train the whole body and provide variety
Heavy iron balls that are swung around: The training with the "Kettlebell" is in vogue and is offered in more and more gyms as an alternative to classic dumbbell exercises. The training is exhausting, but also very versatile and effective - if certain points are considered. In conversation with the news agency "dpa" explain experts, what should be respected during sports with the kettlebell necessarily.
Iron balls weighing up to 48 kilograms
Dumbbell training can become very monotonous in the long term, so many fitness fans will find the new trend sport "Kettlebell" (English for "ball dumbbell") very convenient. This is a heavy iron ball with a flattened bottom, reminiscent of a cowbell or cannonball with handle. The ball dumbbells are available in different weight classes and usually reach between 4 and 48 kilograms. Who trains with the Kettlebell, sweats quickly, because usually the basic exercises are extremely exhausting and exhausting.

New trend sport: Kettlebell. Image: SolisImages - fotolia

At the beginning you have to be instructed by a professional trainer
On the other hand, the ball dumbbell offers tremendous versatility, also trains the whole body and promotes strength, endurance and coordination of movement, explains Professor Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University. "Especially the trunk, the legs, the arms and the shoulders are required, so all large muscle groups," the expert told the "dpa". The prerequisite for this, however, is that the exercises are carried out correctly.

However, if you start on your own and work with the Kettlebell without instructions, you can harm yourself with the ball itself. The experts also advise against exercise books or videos, because the technology of the popular sport is demanding "and the nuts and bolts of training. You can not do that on your own, "says Kettlebell coach Klaus-Dieter Lehmann from Berlin. Because unlike the sport under professional guidance here is missing the correction of the execution and the advice regarding the weight, adds Michael Branke of the German Gymnastics Association (DFLV).

In order to avoid mistakes, beginners should definitely be supported by a trained trainer, emphasizes Branke. Contact with specially trained instructors could be of interest to e.g. in the gym or weight training clubs find, was a trial lesson, in order to get a first impression, the expert continued. In addition, Professor Froböse advises to inquire after the duration of the training: "It should have lasted at least a year, better two or three."

At the beginning two basic techniques are practiced
According to Branke, during fitness training with the special dumbbell, one can distinguish between two classic areas: "Exercises in which the kettlebell is held or pressed, and turns that are performed with one or both arms." Generally, for beginners, there are two basic techniques relevant, the so-called "swing" and "Turkish Get Up," explains Klaus-Dieter Lehmann. While the former swings the ball through the legs to chest level, the Turkish Get Up gets up from lying in a certain step and position sequence - while the iron ball is held up with one arm. As soon as these exercises "sit", more could be learned, says Klaus-Dieter Lehmann.

With regard to the weight of the ball and the number of repetitions, in this sport, the quality would be in the foreground. Because "only with perfect technology, you can manage the weight and thus promote his health," says Lehmann. Who, for example, apply too much momentum, risk damage to the wrists. Likewise, the back can be affected if the center of the body is not kept sufficiently stable, adds Froböse.

No training in inflammatory diseases or neurological problems
"The technique of the exercises is best learned without or with a very light kettlebell," said the expert from the German Sport University. If the movements are internalized, the weight can be carefully increased. In addition, various possibilities would gradually emerge by always becoming self-employed, e.g. in the park could be trained. Basically, from the point of view of the experts, every healthy person can start with the ball training, although, according to Branke, when getting started, it should be "painless and reasonably stressful". For patients with acute inflammatory diseases, neurological problems, vascular diseases or arteriosclerosis, the trend sport is not suitable, adds Professor Froböse.

The kettlebell can cause severe soreness right at the beginning - and that, although the actual work-out usually takes only 20 minutes, says coach Lehmann. To avoid the unpleasant muscle pain, should never be started "cold" training, but always done a gentle warm-up. In addition, Schüssler salts can provide an effective preventive measure. The use of salt no. 7 (magnesium phosphoricum) has proved its worth, and salt no. 3 (Ferrum phosphoricum) can protect against the undesirable consequences of the movement. If this is not enough, a variety of home remedies for muscle soreness, such as a hot bath with ethereal spruce needle oil is a soothing relief. Alternatively, placing a hot water bottle or cherry stone pillow can quickly relieve the pain. (No)