Dream of Eternal Youth Do Nacktmullen Solve the Mystery of Longevity?

Dream of Eternal Youth Do Nacktmullen Solve the Mystery of Longevity? / Health News

Can the longevity of the nacktmulle slow down human aging??

Among the rodents, nudibranchs are considered to be Methuselahs, as they can become many times older than their close relatives such as mice, rats and guinea pigs. Current research has now explored the genetic and molecular features of these long-lived animals to gain important insights for a long and healthy life in humans.

A team of scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Aging Research - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut (FLI) has now published two recent studies on geriatric research together with other research institutes. According to the researchers, the aging process of the nacktmulle is similar to that of humans. The findings could help to slow down human aging processes. The results were recently published in the journal "BMC Biology".

Truly no beauty, yet the Nakedmulle could help to slow down human aging. Researchers recognized similarities in the aging process between humans and the long-lived rodents. (Image: belizar / fotolia.com)

The disposable body theory

The researchers report on the so-called "disposable body theory" (English: Disposable Soma Theory of Aging). In this evolutionary theory, it is assumed that only limited energy resources are available to every living being during his life. These would have to be sufficient both for the preservation of the physical functions as well as for the reproduction. If a species is exposed to constant dangers such as predators, the theory suggests that the available resources are more likely to be propagated. Species that pose fewer threats use more resources to maintain their own organism. These more enduring species keep their bodies healthy and thus achieve a longer reproductive phase in the course of a longer life.

About the Nacktmulle

Naked mulle (Heterocephalus glaber) live mainly in subterranean cave systems in the semi-deserts of East Africa. They form large colonies that have a social structure. The queen of the colony is responsible for the offspring with one to three males. Theoretically, all animals of the colony are capable of reproduction. However, the presence of the queen and the "chosen" procreators suppresses the sexual maturation of the remaining animals.

Not nice, but old

Often referred to as ugly Nacktmulle have a particularly long life. If one compares their life expectancy with related rodents such as mice, rats and guinea pigs, nudibles can become much older. Their lifespan is up to 30 years. During their lifetime, the approximately mouse-sized animals remain healthy and fertile until old age. The FLI researchers therefore wondered which molecular or genetic properties can explain the long and healthy life.

Is the aging of reproduction and genetics determined?

In one of the two studies, a research team has Martin Bens from the Leibniz Institute for Aging Research sheds light on the connection between reproduction and the longevity of nudibranchs. The researchers took reproductive male and female workers from several colonies and had them establish a new colony. Subsequently, individuals from the colony were genetically examined and compared with guinea pigs. "Our results show that nudibranch have specific age-related genetic characteristics," explains Drs. Bens in a press release.

Sexually active nacktmulle live longer

"While there were no significant differences in the molecular signatures between females and males in reproductively-active nude and guinea pigs, in the course of sexual maturation nipple mollies not only showed changes in sex characteristics, but also in the gene expression profiles of their tissues," explains Drs. Bens. Thus, the process of sexual maturation is associated with a prolonged lifespan. This also explains, according to Bens, why the Nacktmull queens live up to 30 years, although they give birth to up to 40 offsprings per year.

The risk of death does not increase with age

As the FLI researchers report, further studies have shown that the risk of death of animals does not increase with age. This would mean that nacktmulle practically does not age. The research team reviewed this in another study that examined the aging process of nude glands at the molecular level. To identify factors that distinguish long-lived from short-lived species, researchers compared the liver of nude mullen with that of guinea pigs.

Even Nacktmulle age

"Compared with nacktmull to guinea pigs, we found different ways of obtaining energy between the two species," says Dr. Alessandro Ori, junior group leader at FLI and lead author of the study. For example, Nacktmulle could make better use of fatty acids. But also in the age-resistant Nacktmullen showed the traces of time. In the liver of older animals, age-dependent changes in protein levels were found. "For us an indication that aging processes also occur in nude gland," says Ori.

What does all this bring to man??

"Interestingly, aging the nude liver in the liver affects the same set of proteins responsible for eliminating toxic substances in humans," the evolutionary experts write. This points to a direct connection between the aging processes of humans and nacktmullen. The researchers hope that this shared commonality can also be used in future studies to slow down the aging process of humans. "Now we have to investigate whether the observed molecular changes during the life of nude glands affect their health and limit their life expectancy," Dr. Ori. (Vb)