Great feasting fondue also for vegans

Great feasting fondue also for vegans / Health News

In broth or fat: fondue also for vegans


During the cold winter months, and especially in the run-up to Christmas, many people crave a hearty fondue. A fondue evening ensures sociability and can also be an alternative to the stressful feast on Christmas Eve. Thanks to different varieties without animal ingredients, fondue is also available for vegans.

Fancy fondue in winter
As temperatures drop, many people crave a hearty fondue. Especially in the pre-Christmas time or on Christmas Eve itself, the banquet for a convivial evening. Even vegans do not have to do without it, there are many variants without animal ingredients. For them, a refined fondue works with spices, vegetables, dough and fat or broth. As Tanja Dusy from the program area cooking and pampering of the GU publisher advises according to a message from the news agency dpa, it is important for a fat fondue to make sure that the fat is highly heatable and tasteless. The expert recommends, for example, coconut oil or sunflower oil.

Vegan variant with broth
Then the fondue works much like a fryer, in which vegetables or tofu can be dipped pure. However, you can also miss them a pastry coat. Vegan is this, for example, when you mix it with chickpea flour and water. „A vegetable stock for the fondue can be wonderfully flavored with herbs or spices“, explained Dusy. Among other things, she recommends laurel, thyme and rosemary. If you want an Asian version, ginger, chilli and soy sauce, for example, will work well. Recipes, such as for a vegan fondue with tofu, can also be found on the internet, for example on pages such as

Less calories
Whether exotic or local variant, as a vegetable for dipping almost everything is suitable. It is recommended that solid varieties such as turnip parsnips and carrots should be briefly cooked in salted water and then dried for the fondue. Mushrooms or tender vegetables such as zucchini or leek can be added to the fondue pot without pre-cooking. Most vegan fondue recipes use fewer calories than the classic cheese variety, making them a healthier alternative for non-vegans. Especially in the run-up to Christmas, when feasting usually causes too much so-called hip gold. (Ad)

Picture: PALMra