Toilets, Handholds, Handrails - Here are many pathogens
Public places are not only highly frequented by people
May 5th is the day of mobile phone hygiene. The Kaufmännische Krankenkasse (KKH) published a representative survey in line with the topic. As a consequence, many respondents are not so sure about cell phone hygiene. First place on the disgusting scale occupy public toilets. 87 percent of 1,000 German respondents are particularly uncomfortable with their use.
According to the forsa survey grab handles in buses and trains and handrails of escalators and stair railings occupy the second place on the disgust scale. 37 percent are disgusted by shopping carts in supermarkets and 28 percent in front of keyboards at ATMs. Many carry the collected germs home with them. Every third person does not wash their hands before every meal. 33 percent of respondents refrain from going to the sink after they have been outside.
Many people disgust themselves in public toilets. Looking at a recent forsa survey, this is no wonder, because the hand hygiene is often poor. (Image: denboma / viruses and bacteria with regular hand washing
The KKH advises regular hand washing to stem the spread of viruses and bacteria. The respondents were exemplary in the topic of using toilets. Here everyone washed their hands again after the use. About 20 percent of the participants wash their hands during the day additionally once an hour.
Women disgust more often
According to the results of the survey, women are disgusted more often than men. This is also evident in the items carried. One in four women carry disinfectant wipes, while only seven percent of men do.
Washing hands protects against infection diseases
"It has been proven that regular and thorough hand washing reduces the risk of catching colds, flu and other infectious diseases," says Iris Roth of the KKH service team in a press release on the survey.
Proper hand washing
Mobile phone hygiene requires proper hand washing. Experts advise washing for at least 20 to 30 seconds to remove all pathogens. In addition to water, soap must be used to get rid of dirt and microorganisms more effectively. Antibacterial solutions, as known from hospitals, are not needed for everyday use.
Thorough washing
This is important to note when washing hands: Much more important than the funds used is the thoroughness. It should not forget the places between the fingers and on the fingertips. According to KKH, the water temperature does not matter. Iris Roth recommends carefully drying hands after washing as a moist environment provides better conditions for the spread of microorganisms. (Vb)