TK wants change in hospital financing

TK wants change in hospital financing
Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) is in favor of changing hospital financing. The chairman of the cash register explained that he thinks it would be the wiser option that health insurance funds should have more say in the regulation of hospitals.
Change in hospital financing
A message from the news agency dpa According to the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) has spoken out for a change in hospital financing. As the CEO of TK, Jens Baas, the German Press Agency said, „As health insurance companies, we pay for everything, including the investment costs“, if the countries were doing their financial obligations anyway inadequate. He continued: „But then we want to have a say in where infrastructure is built up and where it is mined. In fact, we already have this financing to a large extent today. Then you can also legally fix it. And who pays, should also have a design claim.“
Cash registers should „to have a say“
It is true that Baas understands that it is difficult for countries to plan and manage the hospital infrastructure reasonably for election tactics. „But if that can not be resolved at this political level, then you have to move it to another level. Then the regulation of the hospitals must either be settled across the board. Or, what I think is the wiser option, then those who pay, namely the health insurance companies, must have more say“, said the TK CEO.
Better financial resources required of hospitals
Other experts and organizations have long called for a reform of hospital financing. In September, for example, the German Hospital Association, the German Medical Association and the German Nursing Council together with other associations (including Diakonie, Caritas) called for improved financial resources for the hospitals. A reform of hospital financing is necessary to meet the growing demands for quality, patient safety and medical performance in the clinics. Accordingly, more and more hospitals could no longer cover their costs. (Ad)