TK studies Germany has a really big problem

The significant increase in overweight and obesity is a major challenge for our healthcare system. "Germany has a big problem," stresses the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) in the light of the results of its current nutrition study "Iss was, Germany". As a result of the growing prevalence of overweight and obesity, diet-related disorders such as cardiovascular and metabolic disorders have dramatically increased.
The weight problems of many Germans pose not only a burden for their own health, but also an enormous challenge for the health system as a whole. According to the current TK nutritional study, half of adults in Germany are overweight (47 percent) and eight percent of they are severely overweight. Other studies even assume an even higher prevalence.

Increased cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders
In its nutritional study, the TK surveyed respondents' self-esteem and already received alarmingly high numbers. In other studies, such as the DEGS (Study on Adult Health in Germany) of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) estimated the proportion of overweight people even to two-thirds in men and about 50 percent in women, reports the TK. As a result of the weight problems is in the cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders to detect a massive increase, the health insurance continues.
Documenting and enlightening is not enough
In the case of the Techniker Krankenkasse alone, almost 700,000 doctor visits and almost 130,000 hospital stays diagnosed with obesity were recorded in 2016. "Everyone knows that we have a serious problem here, but everyone sees the other as their duty," stresses TK Chairman Dr. Ing. Jens Baas. The health insurance companies would document more and more nutrition-related diseases, but with the documentation and ever new education campaigns it was not done. "Especially with this topic, we all have to think outside the box," says Baas.
Mostly there is a drug treatment
For most people, it still seems to be an easier way to treat lifestyle-related illnesses with medication, instead of switching to a dietary change and prescribing exercise, the head of the TC emphasizes. So had not only increased the number of patients with cardiovascular complaints, but also the prescription amount of cardiovascular drugs have increased significantly. According to the TK, "every workforce received cardiovascular products for three months in 2016" and overall, "since 2000, the volume has increased by 80 percent."
Reduce disincentives in health care
The current study concludes that more than one out of every four insured suffer from cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and around 15 percent develop metabolic disorders such as diabetes. The treatment is often based on appropriate diagnosis on a medication, although quite other options exist. Here Baas criticized that in the current form of health care almost everyone benefits from the high level of medication and there are few incentives to take care of people's health. Therefore, Baas demands from the legislator, for example, "to correct the serious disincentives in, for example, the financial equalization of the health insurance funds, the morbidity-oriented risk structure compensation (Morbi-RSA)."
Food industry also in the duty
However, the Techniker Krankenkasse also sees the food industry as its duty: A healthy diet would make people unnecessarily difficult. "Many products contain too much fat and too much sugar, and it's not even made clear on the packaging. Again, the policy is required to ensure that consumers can inform themselves reasonably, "said Baas.
Nationwide action plan called for
In the end, however, the self-responsibility of consumers also plays a significant role and here should both insured and the health insurance to invest, reports the TK. For example, modern and digital offerings that fit in with people's daily lives could increase the self-motivation for a healthy lifestyle. It is not just about whether you bring a few pounds more or less on the scales. But with a more active lifestyle, you can also "do a great deal to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart attack and back problems," said Baas. In view of the questionable development, the TC calls for a nationwide action plan against obesity, for which policy, health care, industry and consumers alike should work. (Fp)
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