Tips for successful breastfeeding

Tips for Successful Breastfeeding: Initiatives point to the importance of breastfeeding and encourage clinics and birthing centers to take the 10 steps to successful breastfeeding.
This week is the „World Breastfeeding Week“. On this occasion, the Federal Center for Health Education, the initiative „Baby friendly hospital“ the WHO and the child welfare organization „UNICEF“ pointed out the high importance of breastfeeding of newborns.
The initiative aims to encourage mothers to breastfeed their babies. „Breastfeeding not only provides the baby with tailor-made nutrition, it also supports the parent-child relationship, provides the baby with essential antibodies and reduces a number of disease risks for the child, "said the head of the Federal Center for Health Education, Elisabeth Pott.
Breastfeeding has a positive effect on the health of mother and child. Breastfeeding mothers are at a lower risk for breast and ovarian cancer after birth. In addition, the regression of the uterus after delivery is promoted by breastfeeding.
Twenty years ago, UNICEF and the WHO had already taken ten steps towards successful and healthy breastfeeding. In this step, the start of breastfeeding for mother and child is to be facilitated. For this, it is also of great importance that mothers can inform themselves sufficiently beforehand and receive specialist support, for example from midwives.
About 12 percent of the babies and mothers of the 108 hospitals worldwide who offer these 10 steps have already been supported by this program. „This number makes us very proud. But it also makes it clear that we are far from reaching our destination“, underlined Michael Abou-Dakn, chair of the WHO / UNICEF initiative „Baby friendly hospital. But now is the time to publicize this model and convince those responsible that the 10-step model is not only good for mothers and children, but also saves healthcare costs.
The ten steps to successful breastfeeding:
1. Have written breastfeeding guidelines that are discussed regularly with all staff members.
2. Train all employees to have the necessary knowledge and skills to implement the breastfeeding lines.
3. Inform all pregnant women about the importance and practice of breastfeeding.
4. Allow mothers to have uninterrupted skin contact with their baby immediately after birth for at least one hour or until the baby is first breastfed.
5. Show mothers proper donation and explain how they can maintain their milk production, even in the case of separation from their child.
6. Do not give newborn babies any fluids or other food in addition to breast milk, except for medical indication.
7. Practice 24-hour rooming-in - Mother and child stay together day and night.
8. Encourage breastfeeding as needed.
9. Do not give artificial suckers to breastfed children.
10. Point the mothers to breastfeeding groups and encourage the development of nursing groups.
When „Baby-friendly“ Certified obstetrical institutions use these „Ten steps“ and abide by the international decisions of the WHA (World Health Assembly) on the marketing of breastmilk substitutes. (sb, - 06.10.2010)
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Picture credits: Rolf van Melis