Thrombosis, intermittent disease, varicose veins How to prevent vascular diseases

Thrombosis, intermittent disease, varicose veins How to prevent vascular diseases / Health News

Dangerous Vascular Disease: Prevention is better than cure

Millions of people in Germany suffer from vascular diseases. Nevertheless, their signs and their sometimes dramatic consequences in the population are largely unknown. On the occasion of a nationwide day of action, the topic of vascular health was brought into focus.

Action day on vascular health

"Vascular diseases such as venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, varicose veins or peripheral arterial disease (PAD), also known as intermittent claudication, are common diseases," writes the German Society for Angiology - Society for Vascular Medicine (DGA) in a recent release. "But their signs, their distribution and their sometimes dramatic consequences are largely unknown in the population," it continues. Therefore, the nationwide day of action, held under the motto "prevention is better than cure", focused on educating about these diseases and the importance of healthy vessels.

Millions of people in Germany suffer from vascular diseases. Health experts explain how to prevent such diseases. Very important here: sufficient movement. (Image: oneinchpunch /

Thrombosis can be fatal

According to health experts, the number of thromboses and the associated complications in the form of pulmonary embolism has increased significantly in recent years.

An undiscovered thrombosis quickly becomes a mortal danger. Venous thromboembolism is the third most common leading to death cardiovascular disease in Germany after heart attack and stroke.

In a thrombosis, it is important to act quickly. The right therapy can decide about life and death.

In Germany, around 100,000 people die each year as a result of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Millions of Germans suffer from intermittent claudication

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), better known as the "smoker's leg" or "intermittent claudication", affects around 4.5 million people in Germany.

In this disease, the leg muscles are not adequately supplied with oxygen and pain even at moderate exercise so strong that the sufferers have to stop again and again.

What looks like window-shopping is the first effect of a serious illness.

If the circulatory disorder progresses untreated, the legs hurt in the further course even at rest. In addition, wound healing is impaired; in the worst case there are open spots on the legs.

Every second German has varicose veins

According to medical experts, more than half of Germans suffer from varicose veins. "Varicose veins do not cause any discomfort or even pain," writes the German Society for Vascular Surgery and Vascular Medicine (DGG) on its website.

"Varicose veins, however, can cause swelling of the leg caused by the associated venous circulatory disorder, which can be felt by feeling tight, feeling heavy legs or muscle cramps," it says further.

Varicose veins also tend to cause inflammation (varicophlebitis) which can be very painful.

In addition, varicose veins can be dangerous because they increase the risk of thrombosis.

Prevent vascular diseases

What all vascular diseases have in common: "Prevention is better than cure," was the motto of the nationwide Aktionstag vascular health, which was organized by the DGA and the German Vascular League.

The experts give a few tips in the communication to help maintain intact blood flow in arteries and veins:

Drink enough! 2 liters of (low sodium) water or unsweetened teas are the best thirst quencher!

Stay active! Take the stairs more often instead of the elevator, walk deliberately (rolling over the entire sole of the foot) or take the bike instead of the car.

Take care of a healthy diet! Whole grains, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat, lean fish and low-fat dairy and use sparingly with salt!

Become a non-smoker! Every cycle of cigarettes changes one billion oxygen molecules in the blood into free radicals, which, like torpedoes, attack the walls of the vessel, promoting arteriosclerosis.

Integrate Venengynmastic in your everyday life! If you sit or stand a lot for work, you can also train your vessels through simple exercises.

And: Know your risks! People with high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol and obesity are at increased risk for vascular disease. (Ad)