Thrombosis danger during air travel stretch out legs

Thrombosis danger during air travel stretch out legs / Health News

Thrombosis risk during air travel: stretch legs and drink a lot


Many people are taking their plane to their vacation destination right now during the holiday season. Especially on long flights, the risk of thrombosis increases due to long sitting in confined spaces, little movement and dry air. But high-risk patients can prevent that.

Increased risk of thrombosis on long flights
Summertime - vacation time: Many Germans are currently on their way to vacation. Anyone traveling by plane to distant destinations has an increased risk of thrombosis. Long sitting in confined spaces, little movement and dry air increase the risk of this vascular disease. Especially people who belong to the risk groups of a thrombosis should therefore be especially careful. Those at greater risk include people with diabetes, familial thrombosis, overweight or obesity, smokers, pregnant women or women who take estrogen or birth control pills and people who have already suffered thrombosis.

Stretch out legs and massage calves
Sitting for hours with the legs bent in an airplane can cause a thrombosis, as the blood in the knee and groin stagnates and flows back less to the heart. Travelers should therefore not cross their legs but stretch out. According to a news agency dpa, Astrid Markow of the Landesapothekerkammer Brandenburg also advises that it is good to massage the calves in between and, if possible, to walk around. Tight clothing will restrict freedom of movement. Even on long train or bus trips, it makes sense to observe such preventive measures.

Medical compression stockings for prophylaxis
Especially people with a higher risk of thrombosis should check with their doctor if they may be eligible for medical compression stockings or heparin injections for prophylaxis. Caution is advised when it comes to aspirin. Although in the past the use of the drug for prophylaxis was recommended, but for years it is disputed whether it has a preventive effect. Recommended are small exercises that can be performed on the plane. For example, you can take off your shoes and spread and claw your toes alternately, and put on and stretch your feet alternately. It is also recommended to bounce while standing on the toes and light-spring walking on the spot.

Ensure adequate fluid intake
Especially in the dry air of the aircraft is important for long-distance travelers a sufficient fluid intake. The question of how much water per day is really healthy, although slightly different answers from experts, but about 1.5 liters should be for adults by majority opinion. If the person drinks too little, complaints such as dry mouth, constipation, fatigue or tiredness can occur. Recommended on flights are fruit juices and water; Alcohol, but also coffee and tea should be avoided as much as possible. (Ad)