TBC 40-year-old woman dies of tuberculosis

TBC 40-year-old woman dies of tuberculosis / Health News

TBC dead in Brandenburg: mass test causes

Every year, more than 4,000 people in Germany contract tuberculosis. As a rule, the patients get well again without major damage. However, a 40-year-old Brandenburg woman has died of it now. With a mass test should now be determined if there are more infected.

The result of the autopsy is expected next week
In Brandenburg, a 40-year-old woman died of tuberculosis (TB). This is what the Neuruppiner Gesundheitsamt is all about. A spokeswoman for the district administration said on Wednesday: „One hundred percent safety should bring an autopsy of the body.“ The result should be available next week. It was initially said that it was already expected on Wednesday this week. The woman died on Monday, according to information. Already on Thursday of last week the health department had been informed of her illness. The authority made no reference to the woman with reference to the medical confidentiality. At first, it was unclear whether it was open tuberculosis, which is considered particularly contagious.

Skin tests on 200 people arranged
Skin tests were initiated for 200 people in the districts of Ostprignitz-Ruppin and Prignitz. These may have had contact with the deceased from Heiligengrabe, as a spokeswoman had a report of „Märkischen general“ confirmed. However, no other cases of tuberculosis have yet been found. According to the authority, the district of Ostprignitz-Ruppin registers about ten TB diseases per year. There are around 90 cases a year in Brandenburg. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) fall nationwide over 4,000 people per year. According to the RKI, 127 people died in Germany last year. The year before, there were 162 people. The years of decline in the diseases have weakened, so the observation of the scientists.

Hamburg had the most tuberculosis diseases last year
According to the RKI, in 2013 most cases were reported in terms of population in the city-state of Hamburg (10.62 cases per 100 000 inhabitants). In Brandenburg there were 3.93 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Last November, several TB cases of asylum seekers in the central reception center of the state and a teacher in Frankfurt (Oder) were reported in the Eisenhüttenstadt district of Brandenburg. At that time, more than 300 people had to be examined.

TBC is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases
Although curable, tuberculosis is still one of the world's most dangerous infectious diseases. As a rule, TBC can be treated successfully with antibiotics. The disease, also known as tuberculosis, usually occurs as an infection of the lungs. Various symptoms, such as persistent cough, chronic fatigue, weight loss, nocturnal sweat fever, and chest pain can be signs of tuberculosis. Such symptoms should be urgently consulted by a doctor, as untreated tuberculosis in most cases leads to death. (Sb)