Taxi therapy against winter depression

Taxi therapy against winter depression / Health News

Swedes can get free therapeutic assistance in the taxi


The taxi has always been a place where people like to have their hearts spilled out - similar to the hairdresser or in the evening at the bar counter. In the Swedish capital Stockholm, this will even be professional in the future „Taxi therapists“ possible, because the city's oldest taxi company has hired three psychologists who can be booked on demand for no extra cost.

Lack of daylight quickly causes winter blues
In Sweden, the dark season begins again in October, when daylight can only be seen for a few hours, or even when it does not even get really bright. A time that beats fast on the mind and a so-called „winter Blues“ can cause those affected increasingly limp, sleepy and depressed feel and often have an increased need for sleep and increased hunger. To fight against the winter depression, there are many options such as vitamins, daylight lamps, long walks in the fresh air or an encouraging conversation - for example, during a taxi ride.

The city's oldest taxi company hires professional therapists
This possibility can be used by winter-afflicted people in Stockholm in the future quite simply, because of the „Winter Blues“ To fight the city's oldest taxi company would like to offer its customers the services of experienced therapists. Accordingly, three qualified psychologists have been engaged, which would now be used on a trial basis in some vehicles, so everyone on request „a therapy trip“ according to the communication from „Taxi Stockholm“. „Our taxi drivers often feel they hear things they do not know how to respond“, explains Carina Herly, Marketing Manager at Taxi Stockholm. „Taxis are a place where so many stories are told and questions are discussed - and often the drivers are the perfect people for it, but not always. That's why we thought we'd like to try the idea with taxi therapists, "continued Herly.

Swedish taxi market fiercely contested
But the use of the taxi therapists is of course also about entrepreneurial interests, because the Swedish taxi market is highly competitive and therefore constantly demands new, eye-catching marketing campaigns in order to prevail against the competition: „The competition is very tough in Sweden, especially in Stockholm, "said Gabriel Dahlander of the Swedish Transport Union „dpa“. According to Taxi Stockholm, the concrete idea for the special taxi ride has become concrete after a specially conducted survey in which „Over 70 percent believed [...] that taking a taxi with them was a good moment to think and reflect“ was the company's message.

Psychologist wants to give people ideas on how to change their lives
One of the three experts is the licensed psychologist Mia Fahlén, who uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to treat patients with anxiety, depression, stress and behavioral problems. One week she will now be in the taxi "Wemind" in the taxi of driver Haci Demirol „work“, because who calls a car at taxi Stockholm, if necessary, one of the therapists book - without incurring additional costs. Of course, the possibilities are limited, Fahlen continues: „We have limited time, and I'm not saying that I can heal someone at this time. But I can give people ideas on how to change their lives and where to find help“, Mia Fahlén told the news agency „dpa“.

Less awe through the anonymity in the taxi
For Haci Demirol, who has been working as a taxi driver for 24 years, the idea of ​​the taxi company is a relief in any case, because his "20 to 30 patients a day" would talk to him about every conceivable topic - from problems in the job Lovesickness or family worries. But he can not afford real help, so he is looking forward to the professional assistance. Mia Fahlén, on the other hand, hopes that in driving practice she will get in contact with people who would otherwise shy away from visiting the therapist. A conversation in a taxi could be just the thing in such a case, because this would be completely anonymous: „That's a big step. Many with anxiety disorders take years before they come to us“, explains Fahlén.

Stress is a major problem for many people in Stockholm
On the other hand, the chairman of the Swedish Psychologists' Association, Anders Wahlberg, is skeptical. In his opinion, apart from anonymity, spontaneity is an important factor in why the taxi driver becomes a pastor for so many people. A professional therapist in the back seat, however, can deter quickly: „One does not plan to meet a psychologist in a taxi, "said Wahlberg „dpa“. Nevertheless, the offer could not hurt, but the stress that plagues many people in Stockholm is much more serious. According to Fahlén, this is also influenced by the living conditions of many residents, because "there are many singles in Stockholm, and I meet many people who feel lonely." (No)

Picture: Martin Jäger