Tattoo removal What options exist?

Tattoo removal What options exist? / Health News
Ways to eliminate old tattoos - option of medical-aesthetic laser therapy
While tattoos used to be socially outlawed and reserved for special populations (such as seafarers, prison inmates), today they are widely accepted and found in all walks of life. The lifelong commitment to a tattoo is no longer compulsory, because today there are different ways to make the tattoos disappear again. The safest and most effective method is the laser treatment, according to the current press release of the University Hospital Düsseldorf.

According to the Düsseldorf University Hospital, modern medicine offers various options for tattoo removal, with laser treatment being the most effective. With their help, unpleasant body images can be completely eliminated. The procedure has already been in use at the Department of Dermatology at the University of Dusseldorf for several years and will also be the subject of the 25th Annual Meeting of the German Dermatological Laser Society e.V., which will take place next weekend at the Düsseldorf Dermatology Clinic.

As a method for tattoo removal, especially the laser technology has proven. (Image: mkrberlin /

Many tattooed want to get rid of their body images
Today, tattoos are relatively popular and according to a recent study by the Society for Consumer Research in cooperation with the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), the proportion of the tattooed population in Germany in 2014 was 9.1 percent, according to the announcement of the University Hospital Dusseldorf. In the age group of 25- to 34-year-olds are even over 20 percent tattooed, and rising. However, the study also made it clear that an estimated one-tenth of the tattooed would like to have their tattoo removed or changed during their lifetime. According to the University of Düsseldorf, not only the beauty aspect plays a role here, but also difficulties with the tattoo colors can be the reason. For once used in the skin, these allergies can trigger and sometimes contain the color tiny metal parts that can heat up, for example, in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and can cause burns in the patient.

Warning about alternative methods of tattoo removal
To eliminate the tattoos, "ultrashort, but very high-energy laser light impulses in the nano- or picosecond range are shot at the color pigments of the tattoo in medical-aesthetic laser therapy," explains Dr. med. Peter Arne Gerber, Senior Physician of the Skin Clinic and Head of Laser Medicine at the University of Düsseldorf. The laser tattoo pigments are broken down into tiny pieces that the human immune system can then remove. This blasting effect removes the paint particles in 10 to 15 sessions, Gerber continues. The Dusseldorfer physician warns against alternatives, such as the etching away of the tattoo with lactic acid and other - mostly offered on the Internet - procedures to try out. These bring, according to his statement, "an incalculable risk of scarring" with it. (Fp)