Tattoo removal only by doctors

Tattoo removal only by doctors / Health News

Tattoo removal prohibited for health practitioners

On 19 October 2018, the Federal Council approved the proposal for a regulation by the Federal Government, but decided on a few changes. So now all licensed doctors with the necessary expertise may perform tattoo removal. Non-medical practitioners remain excluded as suggested in the government proposal. However, the regulation will only enter into force in December 2020.

When tattooing the active ingredient of blue algae also has a very positive effect. (Image: belyjmishka /

The use of lasers, high-energy lamps and ultrasound for cosmetic or other non-medical purposes has been redefined. In future, only doctors will be allowed to perform laser treatments to remove tattoos or permanent makeup. Unlike in the government bill, not only dermatologists or plastic surgeons are entitled to do so, but all licensed physicians, provided that they have the appropriate expertise. All other professions, including non-medical practitioners, the use of lasers for cosmetic or other purposes is prohibited.

Later entry into force for NiSV

The Federal Council has also decided that the corresponding ordinance (so-called NiSV) will enter into force only at the end of 2020. The government originally had a transitional period of only three months. (Sb)