Symptoms and alarm signals What cardiac patients need to watch out for in winter

Frosty times: what not only heart patients should pay attention to in winter
People with heart problems have an increased risk of overloading or even having a heart attack in cold weather. Therefore, they should avoid too much effort in winter. But that does not mean that you have to deal with frosty temperatures at home. A physician explains which complaints and alarm signals it becomes critical.
Increased health hazards in cold weather
That low temperatures can pose a health hazard has long been known. Above all, heart patients should avoid activities that are too big, such as snow shoveling. Because the combination of cold and effort can sometimes trigger a heart attack. An expert from the University Heart Center Freiburg-Bad Krozingen explains what not only heart patients should pay attention to in winter.

Life-threatening combination
In the cold, the risk of people with heart problems increases, too quickly overload or even get a heart attack. This is the message of the University Hospital Freiburg.
"Cold combined with intense physical exertion can be life-threatening, especially for a previously damaged heart," explains Professor Dr. med. Franz-Josef Neumann, Medical Director of the Department of Cardiology and Angiology II at the University Heart Center Freiburg-Bad Krozingen.
The blood vessels contract reflexively at low temperatures. The nose, fingers and feet are cold. But the area of the body protecting the organs must remain warm, even if the vessels are cramped.
The consequence: The heart must now pump the blood against increased resistance in the vascular system, which may also result in increased blood pressure.
Avoid physical over-exertion at minus degrees
It is particularly critical when people with heart problems hard physical activity, such as shoveling snow, the snow-covered car or paddle through deep snow trudge.
These efforts are typical triggers for congestion of the heart muscle in winter temperatures. They can lead to an angina pectoris attack, a heart attack or, in the worst case, a sudden cardiac death.
Because of this, people with heart problems should avoid making a lot of effort in freezing temperatures.
Alerts can be sudden breathlessness, pain, burning sensation, or chest tenderness. The cardiologist advises on these symptoms: "Stop working immediately and call the ambulance if the pain persists."
For complaints, not only cardiac patients should go to the doctor
Even if the symptoms disappear again, Professor Neumann recommends going to the doctor.
It is a warning sign when a previously healthy in the cold gets shortness of breath or chest pain.
That should cause him to have his heart thoroughly cleared up. "They can be an indication of an unrecognized heart disease," said Professor Neumann.
Exercise, lots of sun and healthy food
But that does not mean that you have to deal with frosty temperatures at home. "On the contrary," says Professor Neumann, "Exercising regularly and having good physical fitness are among the most effective ways to prevent cardiovascular disease."
You should also take every opportunity to go outside when the sun is shining. Because that too releases happiness hormones that are good for the heart.
And not only people with hypertension should pay attention to a vitamin-rich diet in winter to stay healthy.
The following rules should be observed, advises the specialist: First, you should dress warmly before you go out of the house. Especially gloves and cap are important.
Secondly, it is advisable to give the heart time to adapt to the cold and the effort. So first walk a few steps, and then slowly start working outdoors.
Anyone in need of medication for heart or blood pressure problems should take it before leaving home in the winter. Also, patients with high blood pressure should regularly check this over the very cold winter months.
Sports in the group
Extreme cold temperatures are temperatures below minus five degrees Celsius. On very cold days or in smog weather conditions, which put a heavy strain on the heart, there are many opportunities for people with heart disease to be active as well.
For example, Professor Neumann recommends one of the many heart sports groups, swimming or practicing on the exercise bike.
The rule is: The pulse should rise, but only so far that you can talk, for example while running. "Cardiac patients should move moderately throughout the year," advises the cardiologist. "Those who practice like this are well prepared for the winter." (Ad)