Diagnose symptoms of chronic hand eczema

Our hands are subjected to heavy daily wear and diseases such as chronic hand eczema can lead to massive disability. Not infrequently "incapacity for work, retraining measures and change of occupation" are the consequence, so the announcement of the German skin and Allergiehilfe (DHA). Dry, inflamed skin on the hands, with painful tears in the interstices of the fingers, itching and small blisters are possible indications of eczema.

Eczema on the hands can, according to the German skin and allergy help appear in different manifestations and manifestations. Overall, according to recent studies, a disease frequency of about 10 percent can be assumed. According to the information provided by the society, the signs of hand eczema should always be taken seriously. Those who ignore it, neglected the skin protection and care, risk "permanent damage to the skin, persistent pain and considerable restrictions on the use of the hands."
Chronic hand eczema often cause of disability
The German Skin and Allergy Aid emphasizes that it must be "to think that chronic hand eczema for years at the top of the list of occupational skin diseases." Many sufferers can no longer pursue their original occupation due to the disease. The DHA informs in a new brochure about the development mechanisms and triggering factors of hand eczema and points out "with which skin protecting and caring measures the development of an eczema can be prevented or already existing skin damages can be alleviated. Here, the importance of skin protection for prevention and in the long-term treatment is not high enough to classify. Especially in the professional environment, if the hands come into contact with water and skin-irritating substances, increased attention should be paid. "Pay attention to your skin and stick to the skin protection concept", so the recommendation of the DHA. (Fp)