Seeks the great addictiveness of gambling

Often the gambling addiction begins at the slot machine in the pub, in others, the visit of a casino leads to gambling addiction. The victims often gamble their entire fortune, make debts and cheat their relatives. The news agency "dpa" spoke to the addiction and social therapist Ulf Weidig about the addiction of gambling and their fatal consequences.
Gambling can become an addiction in a short time
When Robert Fuchs (name changed) looked for distraction after a break of more than 20 years, he played for the first time at the ATM in the pub. It was only a small amount of money and he did not have the time to win, he reports in an interview with the news agency. By gambling he came to other thoughts, was distracted by the separation pain. "I felt busy there. I do not know if I won any money, "said Fuchs. At that time he completed an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk.

For him, the decision to seek distraction in gambling was fatal, he admits. "I became addicted to it almost immediately." Meanwhile, the now 40-year-old has three therapies behind him. Several relationships were broken by gambling. "Over the years, I've lost an estimated 200,000 euros," says Fuchs. He just could not stop playing. "I only stopped when the money was over or the shop closed." Despite a good salary of about 2,500 euros a month, he was constantly in need of money. So he even robbed his partner and his employer. "To the outside I was a trustworthy person."
Gambling addicts are not primarily about money
But why is someone gambling away so much money? Gambling addicts are not concerned with the money, but rather with the experience, reports Weidig. "They want to experience happiness and control illusion in winning. They are looking for the dopamine release that comes with it. "The addiction and social therapist works in the center for addiction diseases of the Alexianer Bürgerhaushütte in Duisburg. "Gambling addicts believe that after their first successes, they only have to play often enough until they get a big hit again and any debts can be repaid." In this way, the affected increase their self-esteem and suppress negative feelings.
Often, the addicts show an acute lack of time and money, according to Weidig. "Often despite good income and regular working hours." He advises relatives to address those directly if he despite a good salary always wants to borrow money, is hardly at home or does not abide by collusion. "One must not forget: Gambling addicts are always charming actors who can lie well." Mood swings were also among the typical signs. "This can be compared to drug addicts: If players can not play, they become restless."
Gambling addiction is often downplayed by those affected
Many gambling addicts trivialize or suppress their problems. "The addictive behavior usually dominates the reason, which is considered an essential feature of all addictions," explains Weidig. Often, only a personal crisis such as a separation or job loss leads to the addict recognizing the need for action. That's why it's important that friends, family, or partners are aware of and respond to negative change. "Nearby people should clearly show the consequences to gambling addicts," says Fuchs. "In concrete terms, this means: blocking access to common funds, threatening to move out - and, if in doubt, putting that into practice." However, relatives should not let the gambling addict fall. But the player has to feel that his behavior has consequences. "If threats remain inconsequential, a gambling addict just keeps going. There is no real reason for him to stop. "
Not infrequently also family members get into the debt trap because of the gambling addiction because they have to take out loans. They hope that the gambling addict will stop playing when the credits are paid off. "With the money, members of the family usually do not support the beloved person, but the gambling addicted portion of the human being," says the book "Pathological Gambling" by the German Center for Addiction Issues (DHS)..
In gambling addiction, therapy can help
Those affected can benefit from therapy with psychotherapeutic discussions and group work, emphasizes Weidig. "Talking to other people affected and play-free people often leads to the best knowledge about their own problem," says the addiction and social therapist. About 60 percent of the gambling addicts who treated him with such a therapy would have a good chance of sustainably overcoming their addiction. However, healing can not be talked about because gambling addiction is a chronic disease. "Realistic therapy goal is a satisfied and stable abstinence," says Weidig.
The DHS calls for a consistent implementation of game blocks for the protection of gambling addicts. "Studies in Germany and abroad prove that player barriers can effectively protect pathological gamblers. They value the possibility of self-suspension as a promising step on the road to recovery. Unfortunately, the gambling houses are only very hesitant to fulfill their obligation to block gambling addicts (foreigners), "the experts report in a statement.
Around 500,000 gambling addicts in Germany
Fuchs is now free of play. Until then, however, he has experienced several relapses. He excludes a return to work as an industrial clerk. "Money is dangerous for me, I can not manage it for others." That's why Fuchs is now retraining in the social field. That he currently has no assets, was not bad for him. "All debts are paid, nothing is missing." Nevertheless, his gambling addiction will also be a part of his life. Although he has been on therapy for four years and is abstinent, he will never be cured.
In Germany, about 500,000 people are affected by gambling addiction, as a study on pathological gambling and epidemiology (PAGE) in 2011 showed. The addiction is considered a mental disorder. According to the study, another 3.5 million people have at least gambling problems. The greatest addiction risk is based on the investigation of slot machines. In addition, there is also a risk in roulette, blackjack, poker and sports betting. (Ag)