Addiction treatment A relapse is no reason for discontinuation

Addictions are widespread in our society. It's not just about illegal drugs. For example, around 1.3 million Germans are considered alcohol dependent. Many can be helped with a therapy. The treatment has changed a lot. Now relapses are no longer a reason to stop the therapy.
Much can make you dependent
Not only illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine can be addictive, but also legal substances such as tobacco or alcohol. According to estimates of the Federal Center for Health Education, about 1.3 million Germans are considered to be alcohol dependent. According to health experts, most people's will alone is not enough to combat addiction. But there are many facilities where victims can be helped. The treatment methods have changed a lot in the last decades.

Relapse is part of the addiction
For example, people today do not have to be thrown out of therapy for addiction treatment after a relapse. "Today, a relapse is a reason to take more care of the client," said Raphael Gaßmann of the German main point addiction issues (DHS) in a message from the news agency dpa. According to the expert, a relapse is an addiction and pass most of them several times. Those affected should not be afraid that everything would be lost. "You have to tell yourself: I'll start it again," says Gaßmann. Nowadays clients and patients are alerted to the correct behavior during the first consultation or therapy.
No reason for a therapy discontinuation
"The treatment landscape has understood, patients not to break the relapse," explained Gaßmann. "20 years ago, a relapse was a reason to stop the consultation or the therapy." In the meantime, that was no longer a problem: "If you ask smoker:" Did you do it the first time, "the answer is usually:" At second or third time. "That's what we have with alcohol," explained Gassmann. However, many people said in a relapse that they can continue if they have ever had a drink. That should not happen. It would be much better to call the adviser after the first bottle.
Those affected experience relapse as a personal failure
"From a medical point of view, it would not be a problem at all if someone smokes the first cigarette after five years or drinks the first bottle of schnapps and leaves it at that. But that succeeds few. "Usually continue to be smoked or drunk. "The one sip is already triggers to continue - psychologically for a variety of reasons. Biochemically, the narcotic substance appeals to the so-called addictive memory. "Those affected experience relapse as a personal failure. They tell each other, then I can just keep going. "Many then end up in such a way that the former addictive behavior is increasingly taken up again." Often, this happens when the pension is transferred. "A relapse is no reason to despair," said Gassmann. "It's best to report on the day it happens." (Ad)