Studies on Nasal Inflammation What Can Help Rinse or Inhale?

Nasal rinsing with saline solutions and steam inhalations are known home remedies for chronic or recurrent rhinosinusitis. Scientists have now shown that nasal rinsing can reduce the discomfort, for vapor inhalation no positive effects could be demonstrated.

The researchers evaluated the data from 871 adults with chronic or recurrent rhinosinusitis and a "moderate to severe influence of sinus symptoms on the quality of life" from. The participants were divided into four groups.

Group 1 was advised to flush the nose daily with 150 ml of 2% saline for six months (n = 219). The second group should instead inhale water vapor under a towel for five minutes daily (n = 232). Group 3 should perform both actions (n = 210). A control group did not receive any of these recommendations (n = 210).
The symptom change was assessed using the RSDI (Rhinosinusitis Disability Index) Score, a validated measure of health-related quality of life in rhinosinusitis.
The RSDI decline was significantly more frequent with nasal douche. In addition, participants in the nasal douche group rarely resorted to OTC drugs and rarely went to the doctor. By contrast, the inhalation of water vapor showed no effect. Unfortunately, the study did not investigate whether steam inhalations with a phytotherapeutic agent have effects. The study can be found here. (Pm)