Studies Relieve Migraine with Lymphatic Drainage and Traditional Massage

They examined 64 migraineurs aged 35 to 55 years with and without aura who suffered from at least two attacks per month. They were divided into three groups: the first group received lymphatic drainage of the face, head and neck, the second traditional massage of the cranial, cervical and upper back muscles without trigger point massage and the third group received no manual therapy.

All participants kept a pain diary. Lymphatic Drainage and Traditional Massage were done once a week for 30 minutes. At the beginning of the study and every four weeks, all participants were examined by a doctor and completed two questionnaires to record their physical and mental state. Also documented was the intake of medicines for acute migraine conditions.
In both treatment groups the frequency of migraine attacks and the number of migraine days decreased significantly compared to the control group. In addition, participants in these two groups needed less antimigraine medication compared to the baseline and compared to the control group, which was significant only in the lymphatic drainage group. The subjects of the lymphatic drainage group were also less susceptible to light hypersensitivity than those in the other two groups. Source: Carstens Foundation