Studies Methylene blue can improve our memory

Time and again doctors are looking for ways and means to improve our memory and our attention. Normally, the drug methylene blue is used to treat a condition called methemoglobinemia. However, researchers now found that low doses of methylene blue actually improve memory.
Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and the University of Texas at Austin found that methylene blue helps our brain to remember better. Even small doses of the drug can improve the performance of memory and attention. The experts published the results of their study in the journal "Radiology".

What is methylene blue and what is it normally used for??
You've probably never heard of the drug methylene blue in your life. But methylene blue has been used by medical professionals for nearly a century to treat a condition called methemoglobinemia. In this disease, there is an increased concentration of methemoglobin (Met-Hb) in the blood, explain the experts. Hemoglobin in our red blood cells serves to transport oxygen in the blood. In a methemoglobinemia, hemoglobin is converted to inoperable methemoglobin. By this process, it is then no longer available for the transport of oxygen, the researchers say.
Physicians used MRIs to examine the brain activity of the subjects
A small study now examined the effect of methylene blue on human memory. For this, physicians administered either a single low dose of methylene blue or a placebo to 26 subjects. Then, with the help of MRI, doctors analyzed participants' brain activity while performing tasks related to attention and memory.
Past animal studies also showed an improvement in memory
Animal studies had already shown in the 1970s that a single low dose of methylene blue improved the memory of rodents. However, the neuronal changes in our brain, which bring about the improvement of the memory, were not explored further at that time, explains the main author Dr. med. Timothy Q. Duong from the University of Texas. The Texas researchers were the first to study the effect of methylene blue on the human brain.
Increased MRI activity detected in tasks of attention and memory
The results of the study showed an increase in MRI activity during sustained attention and short-term memory tasks, say the physicians. In addition, an increase of seven percent in memory recall activities could be detected if subjects had previously taken methylene blue, the researchers add.
Benefits of methylene blue have to be investigated in larger studies
The new findings come from a very small study. More research is needed in the future to better understand the potential benefits to our memory and attention, researchers say. Our work is certainly a good foundation for future studies on the effects of methylene blue on healthy aging, cognitive impairment, and dementia, Dr. Duong. (As)