Studies The coffee consumption determined by the genes?

For many people, morning coffee is the normal way to start the day. But there are also people who drink a lot of coffee all day long. What does it really matter how much coffee we drink every day? Researchers found that our genetic makeup affects how much coffee we actually consume.
If we slept badly at night, we often need a coffee to wake up. Does our amount of sleep also affect our total daily coffee consumption? Researchers at the University of Edinburgh found that our genetic makeup determines how much coffee we consume daily. The experts published the results of their study in the scientific journal "Scientific Reports".

Coffee awakens and is healthy
The caffeinated hot beverage is made from roasted and ground coffee beans. There are many different types of preparation. Coffee is grown all over the world. Many people drink coffee to wake up or just for pleasure. "In recent years, there has been more and more evidence that coffee has added value for our health," the researchers say. Because coffee is healthier than most people believe.
Coffee consumption can protect you from illness
Regular coffee consumption should protect against serious heart damage. In addition, coffee stimulates the intestinal flora and can even reduce the risk of colon cancer. When people drink a lot of coffee (six cups or more), increased coffee consumption reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis by 30 percent.
Looking for a connection between the coffee consumption and our genes
For a long time, experts are already researching the genetics behind our cravings for coffee. In 1962, for the first time, they discovered that our drinking habits are determined by coffee through our heritage. "Even recently, large-scale studies have looked for a link between the amount of coffee consumed and our genes," say the scientists.
Researchers discover the gene variant PDSS2
The scientists actually discovered a special gene variant in their study. "This seems to determine how much coffee we drink. The genetic variation called PDSS2 causes people to drink at least one cup of coffee a day less than humans without this variation, "the authors report. The researchers found this in the study of more than 1,200 Italian subjects.
PDSS2 inhibits the processing of caffeine
The presence of the PDSS2 gene is likely to inhibit the body's ability to process caffeine, experts suggest. As a result, those affected would need less coffee to get a strong stimulant effect from the caffeine. "The caffeine simply lingers in the body of people with PDSS2 for a long time," the researchers add.
Examination of more than 1,700 Dutch confirms the results
To test their previous assumptions, the researchers looked at an additional group of over 1,700 people from the Netherlands. The results were similar, but the effect on the drunk cups of coffee was somewhat lower. "Larger studies are needed to reliably substantiate the results," the researchers explain. However, the experts are certain that they have for the first time unambiguously identified a gene associated with coffee consumption.
Your genes are the driving force behind your coffee consumption
Many people think they drink coffee for their fatigue. However, coffee has no effect after just a few nights with little sleep. "Our drive for the consumption of coffee already seems to be in our genes," says the author. Nicola Piratsu from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. (As)