Studies DASH diet reduced the risk for cancer

Diets rich in vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts, dairy and whole grains have a more than 60 percent reduced risk of gall bladder cancer.

Those who follow a DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) or Mediterranean diet reduce their risk of developing gallbladder or extrahepatic bile duct carcinoma. This is the conclusion of scientists from Sweden.
More than 76,000 adults between the ages of 45 and 83 who had no history of gallbladder or bile duct carcinoma at baseline participated in the study.
In 1998 and 1997, they replied to a questionnaire on their dietary habits in the year before the survey. The proportion of patients with a diet that corresponded to the modified DASH diet or a modified Mediterranean diet was recorded. Information about the cancer incidence was taken from the Swedish Cancer Registry. The study ranged from 1998 to 2012, the study participants were tracked on average 13.3.
Adherence to the two diets was significantly associated with a reduced risk of developing gallbladder or bile duct cancer. Click here for the abstract of the study. (Pm)