Studies Overweight severely strains our kidneys - More and more Germans with kidney disease

The Germans are getting fatter. Obesity usually causes those affected to feel less fit. In addition, health risks are increased. On the occasion of World Kidney Day, experts point out that obesity is also a significant risk factor for kidney disease.
More and more Germans are too fat
More and more people worldwide are suffering from overweight and obesity. This has drastic health effects. Severe obesity can lead to numerous concomitant or sequelae. Among other things also on the kidneys, such as the German Society for Nehprology (DGfN) on the occasion of the World Kidney Day on 9 March announces. The goal of the Global Day of Action is to focus on the prevention of kidney disease.

Kidney failure can strike anyone
According to a statement from the company, more than 100,000 people in Germany currently depend on renal replacement therapy - dialysis or transplantation.
"Kidney failure can basically hit anyone, but people at overweight are at particular risk. The number of kidney tissue damage caused by obesity has increased tenfold over the past 30 years, "the experts write.
Obesity goes to the kidneys
Obesity is not only a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, but also goes to the kidneys.
An indirect connection has long been known: Obese people often suffer from high blood pressure - and this damages the fine blood vessels in the kidneys, which filter the toxins out of our body.
As the DGfN explains, the function of the kidneys then steadily decreases until those affected are dependent on renal replacement therapy.
Up to 40 percent of diabetics have kidney damage
According to the data, kidney disease is caused by hypertension in one third of all dialysis patients. In addition, overweight people often develop diabetes mellitus.
In turn, this metabolic disorder often causes a chronic kidney disease. According to the DGfN, about 30 to 40 percent of diabetics have kidney damage. Every year, more than 2,000 patients are dialysed as a result of diabetes mellitus, the statement said.
The experts refer to information published on the portal "Diabetes Stopping".
Effects of obesity
It is now known that obesity also damages the kidneys directly.
As explained in the DGfN Communication, adipose tissue secretes various peptide hormones, such as adiponectin, leptin and resistin, which lead to inflammation and oxidative stress, adversely affect lipid metabolism and lead to increased insulin levels, often insulin resistance.
These mechanisms lead to pathological changes in the kidney tissue (so-called glomerulopathies) and consequently to a decrease in kidney function.
Prevention needs to be further strengthened
The number of overweight caused glomerulopathies has increased tenfold since 1986, according to a recent report in the journal "Kidney International".
"That gives us cause for concern", explains DGfN president Prof. Dr. med. med. Mark Dominik Alscher. Because "it is well-known that overweight in the truest sense of the word is an increasing problem in our society. People are getting fatter, and the number of obese children and adolescents has risen. In order not to experience an explosion of dialysis numbers, we need to further strengthen our prevention efforts ".
The public needs to be sensitized to this problem and the population to be motivated to a healthier lifestyle, but also nephrological screening must be intensified.
Progression of the disease can be slowed down
When a chronic kidney disease is detected in time,
Their progression can be slowed down by medication and the need for renal replacement therapy can often be delayed for years.
However, kidney diseases are often diagnosed late, because they initially usually run without significant symptoms.
In most patients, the first symptoms, such as high blood pressure, increased foaming or bloody urine and increased blood sugar, occur only very late, when the organ is already significantly impaired in its function.
Kidney disease is one of the most common causes of blood in the urine.
Also, water in the legs (edema), nausea and vomiting and fatigue may indicate a kidney problem.
Early detection has improved significantly
The DGfN press spokesman, Prof. dr. med. Jan Galle, explains in the statement also, why the Dialysezahlen despite the rise of overweight humans in the past decades nevertheless remained stable:
"This has three main reasons. For one thing, the war and post-war generation is now in the "dialysis age" - and in this the problem of obesity was often not so pronounced, moreover, it is also numerically lower than the generation of "baby boomers". Secondly, many patients do not reach end-stage dialysis, but die prematurely from cardiovascular disease - so our dialysis patients are the "survivors". "
The positive news: "The third reason for the stable number of dialysis patients, however, is that the early detection of chronic kidney disease has improved significantly over the past decade. GPs provide competent care to patients with mildly compromised renal function and refer patients at risk who require specialist care in good time to the nephrologist. "
Keep body weight in the normal range
For example, the Diabetes Disease Management Program has also ensured that the kidney function of diabetics, a major risk group for kidney disease, is reviewed on a regular basis.
"This recipe for success must be continued," says Prof. Alscher. "Regular kidney function checks should not only be done in diabetics and the elderly, but also in all patients with hypertension or obesity!"
The most important preventive measure remains, however, to bring his body weight in the normal range - and to keep long term. (Ad)