Studies prove the effectiveness of homeopathy

Numerous studies prove the effectiveness of homeopathy
The effectiveness of homeopathy has been documented for over 200 years and has been proven by numerous studies. Homeopathic medicines are used successfully by over 7,000 doctors in Germany. The doctors, who are mostly specialists, have the additional name homeopathy or the homeopathy diploma of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ), this is an even more advanced education. The good therapy successes are confirmed by the patients in numerous surveys. But why homeopathic remedies cure, there are so far only theories. The mechanism of action is not clear.
It is a claim often made by homeopathy critics, but false, that there are no high-quality studies that show positive results on the effectiveness of homeopathy. Both double-blind randomized studies and studies from health services research show that homeopathy works beyond a pure placebo effect. This view is also shared by the Cochrane Collaboration, the Grail-Keeper and Highest Authority of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM): every systematic review (review) on homeopathy concludes with the conclusion that more research is needed in this area. „Today there are more than 200 randomized clinical trials on homeopathy, of which more than half have a statistically significant positive result in favor of homeopathy “, The authors of the website write However, many of these studies have too few case numbers or methodological deficits. The bottom line is, according to the experts, 25 studies that can be combined into systematic reviews or meta-analyzes.
The number and selection of studies that are included in a meta-analysis can manipulate the result in a desired direction. In 2005, homeopathy was put on the deathblow as medial: The end of homeopathy headlined the respected British Lancet and the German media took up the headline. In a meta-analysis, a research group first compared 110 studies on homeopathy with 110 similar studies on conventional medicine. The result was positive for both therapies. In the next step, only eight homeopathic studies were compared with sec hs conventional studies. The result: the end of homeopathy. The scientific approach of this research group was heavily criticized, but the headline was in the world.
Healthcare Research - The method in the practical test
All in all, the studies from the health services research show an astonishingly unified picture: Patients who seek homeopathic treatment have clinically relevant improvements. Particularly interesting from the perspective of health services research are comparative studies in which the normal homeopathic medical practice is compared with conventional medical practice as a control group. Therapy effects are as good for homeopathy as they are in conventional medicine. Thus, from the point of view of health services research, a benefit of homeopathy for patients and health care system can be assumed. This is also the conclusion of the Health Technology Assessment, which is part of the Swiss program Evaluation of complementary medicine (PEK) was carried out: „In summary, there is sufficient evidence of preclinical efficacy and clinical efficacy (evidence levels I and II), and it represents a safe and cost-effective intervention in absolute terms and in particular compared to conventional therapies. The acceptance in the population is high.”
DZVhÄ reader for homeopathy research
To give an overview of homeopathy research, the DZVhÄ has compiled a study overview. This can be obtained as a file with many directly linked sources via the website (Pm)